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  1. RcadeHax

    Chase Chase jokers

    The Kitboi has made a thread for Chase Chase Jokers played through Teknoparrot. If you want to discuss playing the game through Teknoparrot, it might be best to talk about it there and leave this thread for playing the game for FREE with the loader that has been available for about 12 months now. This will help remove confusion about what version works for which loader as running any of the modified versions of Chase Chase Jokers (version with dll mods to unlock content and save game) on teknoparrot will most likely cause crashes.
  2. Use Aqua for the server, it will work without the GP refund/Communication error. Unless you have access to a working server whatever version you play will be the same since you can only play 1-1 to 1-4 without a server. The only way you can get IOWA is through playing the events.
  3. Your welcome. I'm happy it was helpful.
  4. If you still have problems because it changes region back too fast or while the game is loading/running and game does not work. Then try these instead.. Place this start.bat, Japan.ps1 and Revert.ps1 in the same folder as game.exe like in the post above. Run start.bat To change the language it changes back to after game exits edit Revert.ps1 and change the country code in there. Revert.ps1 is run after game.exe closes to change language/region back to whatever you want. Start.bat Japan.ps1 Revert.ps1
  5. Here is a powershell script to change regional format to japanese, starts the game, then changes back to english US. Put start.bat and start.ps1 in the same folder as the game.exe Run Start.bat If you want to change the language it reverts back to after the game exits, then edit Start.ps1 and change the "en-US" in the last line to whatever regional format you use Here is a list of regional codes If you want to change back to spanish it would be something like this "Set-Culture es-ES". "Set-Culture fr-FR" for french. "Set-Culture ru-RU" for russian.. Just use the country code you need from the list on that webpage and set it like one of the examples above. Start.ps1 Start.bat
  6. This is the most over complicated way to change regional format. I'll make you a powershell script and share it here once i download bombergirl.
  7. I think you need to check the networking setup in the launcher. 21-01 is the Live Monitor not seeing the Client if i remember correctly or vice versa
  8. Did you disable the Basic Local EA Emulation in spicecfg? If it's still enabled, it might be conflicting with asphyxia and breaking networking
  9. Its it's the cab power up responses that make the game function, i'll strip down the CCJ plugin and also maybe implement a few other proper responses and see if i can get it more functional. But like CCJ it will only be basic hardcoded responses to allow guest mode play. The line busy response is because i haven't implemented any e-amusement DB coding for CCJ, so there is no proper response from asphyxia and the game will show that line error. Matchmaking might just put you against bots if there is no response, i don't know as i haven't tried to play this game. Edit.. Notes You could probably play this with no plugin for asphyxia, it's most likely the built in power on responses asphyxia has that made the game boot. I'll do some testing when im free and see what made the game boot.
  10. "Basic local ea network emulation" is maintenance mode. It's just very basic server responses to allow the game to boot but might not let you play. If you want to play it properly you will most likely need a proper server. There might be an Asphyxia plugin for it, i don't know. I do know there is a private network that supports this game, it's where the dump originated before it was posted to 1cc. As for me making network support for this, probably not, i don't play this game so there is no interest there for me to make a basic plugin for asphyxia like i did for chase chase jokers, or dll patches to play locally.
  11. It comes with working spicetools in the .7z already.. You will also notice there are 2 assembly-csharp.dll's in the contents directory. Assembly-csharp.dll.cabuse <-- for playing on a cab Assembly-csharp.dll.pcuse <-- for playing on PC Rename "assembly-csharp.dll.pcuse" to "assembly-csharp.dll" (remove the .pcuse extension) Copy this assembly-csharp.dll into the "contents\game\bsac_app_data\managed" folder and overwrite the assembly-csharp.dll in there. Use "start.bat" to play the game Note This game might still need a server for playing, but you can try using spicecfg and enabling the "Basic Local EA Emulation" under options to get it to boot. Also IIRC it's like chase chase jokers, press the "service" key to bypass any boot errors.
  12. RcadeHax

    Chase Chase jokers

    Setup controls like this... F1 and F2 for service and test. Any key you want for insert coin (Coin mech) Dash - Xbox controller X button Action - Xbox controller Right Trigger (This is attack button or use item) Jump - Xbox controller A button Slide - Xbox controller B button Special - Xbox controller Y button (This is also continue/select in the game menus) Joystick X - Xbox controller left stick X Joystick Y - Xbox controller left stick Y Trackball DX - Xbox controller Right stick X Trackball DY - Xbox controller right stick Y This is all that's needed and it should work perfectly ALSO... In option select "Show Cursor & Touch Emulation Enable" This will let you use the mouse to navigate the menus also
  13. RcadeHax

    Chase Chase jokers

    Yes all inputs work if you map them all correctly. Are you using a gamepad, or keyboard and mouse?
  14. RcadeHax

    Chase Chase jokers

    The version number only shows if you run the game using spicetools. The other version of the game posted in the arcade dumps section also shows the version number if you use spicetools to play. If you run the game without spicetools and start the game using the Chaseproject.exe it will not show the version number. Question: Why does this happen? Answer: KAMUNITY <--- this is "Konami Arcade Module for UNITY" the unity plugin or module that handles communication with the arcade hardware like the coin counter, the arcade controller inputs, and connecting to the Konami Arcade network. If you run the game using my debug mode patch and start the game using the chaseproject.exe your bypassing the "Konami Arcade Module for unity" plugin/module and it will show ***Kamunity disabled*** on the screen in the top right. All this means is the game is running without the arcade hardware communication layer. Using spicetools will fix this because spicetools is emulating the arcade hardware and loading the Konami Arcade Module for Unity properly and the version number will show. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if the version number is showing in the top right or not. As long as the game loads and you can play it, that's all that matters.
  15. RcadeHax

    Chase Chase jokers

    Another Note.. In the game folder you will see a few .json files. This is the savegame data. It will make save files based on the name listed in the "name.txt" file. you can delete the MAX.****.json files, these are just my save data, the game will automatically make new ones based on whatever name you set in that name.txt.
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