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    AMD Win11

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. When did Emuline come back and what caused the downtime?? Anyway I’m glad everyone’s still here :-D
  2. I’d just wait until the arcade update gets leaked with the appropriate DLL, which should be soon. Sometimes when I add konasute songs first and then later have the same ones added via arcade update I get them displayed twice.
  3. Are there any new tracks in this leak?
  4. What’s the link to the latest patcher?
  5. Thanks! This is the amount of tracks I currently have in-game now with this xml plus the latest leak. It’s fun playing next weeks tracks that haven’t even been announced yet. I also have access to what I’m assuming are the newest Navi with Cocona and Ortlinde? Couldn’t find anything about them yet.
  6. Can I use the patched dll from the previous update since this one only adds songs?
  7. Could someone who has all the current tracks and omnimix enabled post their musicdb? Wanna see if there will be a difference between that and my own.
  8. There's currently no way to unlock all tracks through Asphyxia as that has been broken for a while. Songs like Caldwell for example don't even show up ingame unless you change something within the musicdb file itself. Apparently there are more songs that have to be unlocked this way but since there are over 2000 tracks now its pretty much impossible to figure out which ones are affected. Hope someone can fix this.
  9. How do you speed-up transitional animations and loading again? It was pretty quick and snappy until the latest updates. Now it feels slow and sluggish by comparison again.
  10. Is this a fixed version where every track works now?
  11. So we can’t really play the latest leak without issues right now until somebody else fixes it further?
  12. How do I region unlock the latest DLL? For some reason that option is missing in the patcher. Also why doesn’t the Caldwell track appear ingame when it does in the webui?
  13. Did you use the new DLL that comes with it. I usually have this exact same problem when I forgot.
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