Hi All,
I've been playing around with Gallagher's Gallery and apperently its working on WInUAE.
This is the only game i need to finish my collection or working games.
The game itself is terrible, so bad in fact that i need and want it regardless of whether its any good or not. lol!
I can see the rom is loading as after a while i can see the "Gallaghrs Gallery - High score table after a while and the "Credits Screen" but no video.
When playing round i have also managed to get the game loading but crashes after opening part of vid.
After researching most of google there is mention of a working avi file by videofile by earok , problem is every link on the internet for downloading is dead.
Is their any chance anyone has a working copy of the entire game they could upload? (working about 250mb size in total with all files.) Then i can just rename the folder paths and see if this makes any difference)
I have tried ripping the 360p video from youtube as apperently its the full game but not sure if the video is the right length or starting at the correct point.
Thanks in Advance.