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  1. I'm not sure about the other issues, but I think I can understand the second one. Go to the link above and download the DMT2 Tool. After installation, apply the file with the launcher, go into settings, set the display cursor, and then play. The first problem, I think, is a compatibility issue. Other ez2ac series made in Korea also had many problems due to compatibility. (Have a nice weekend👍)
  2. I may not have explained it well. First you need to download DMT2 (final version) Then first of all download the crack file and the DMT2 tool (downloading the tool is optional, but it can help a lot). Unzip the DMT2 (final version) file you previously downloaded. Then unzip the crack file and paste its contents into the DMT2 (final version) file. To test it, run the launcher exe. If you don't want to bother installing tools, just skip it and enjoy. ----------------------------------------Installing the tool--------------------------------------------------- If you download the tool from GitHub, run tool.exe and install it according to the instructions. Installation is simple, so I'll skip it. Well... if you can speak English, you will be able to use the tools naturally. I don't do tool development and I don't know anything about programming. Just... good luck.🙏 If you succeed, please reply. I would be really happy if you succeed in running the game.👍
  3. DMT2 has been successfully powered, but DMT1 and Trilogy have not been powered yet. Also, DMT3 is very hard to find in Korea, so we have no choice but to wait for the crack from overseas.😥
  4. I can't find the software dongle for DMT1 so I can't crack it. I have to wait until someone finds it.
  5. Are there any unofficial ez2 series cracks? Thank you always.
  6. You can make 1st/SE similar, but not exactly the same. 1st/SE is a different file in itself. 1st~SE(EZV) 2ND~FNEX(STR)
  7. Have you looked for ez2 collection posts?
  8. Songs using video files do not work:(
  9. What is the blue box that says TGA?
  10. tt There is no crack file
  11. Have any other cracks of ez2dj (ez2ac) been released?
  12. Hello, I found a crack in the ez2 series, downloaded it, and played the game. However, when I played a song with a video attached, a black screen appeared and the game ended a few seconds later. How do I fix this? Hello, I found a crack in the ez2 series, downloaded it, and played the game. However, when I played a song with a video attached, a black screen appeared and the game ended a few seconds later. How do I fix this?(I rewrote it. sorry again.😥)
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