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Tout ce qui a été posté par DSync

  1. Using Aqua 0.0.46 release from, I'm able to get the game to work without server error. But on launch, the game will always display Aime SERVER will always display BAD regardless. Not sure if that is important? Also it seems like the profile I created won't be saved to Aqua server, as it will prompt me to enter name every time I restart the game. Also tried using the 20 digits to login to aqua server via http://localhost/web but clicking Profile result in 404 not found. I also tried to create `aime.txt` in `DEVICE` folder but then pressing Enter will result in error. Had to remove it and keep `felica.txt` instead. Lastly in regards to control, is there any way to send a key for 'Flick' slider action to register if using keyboard instead of a dedicated controller? This is my first time playing this series and the interface is well polished!
  2. Thanks for the link! Confirmed it's still working. I found using `CLIENT.EXE` to launch the game is faster than launcher.exe. One question though, is there any way to get the cursor to shows up if I'm not using a touch screen? If I click my mouse anyway outside of the game screen such as on my other monitor, the game will just switch to whatever window I'm showing before I launch the game, and clicking it again won't go back to the game. It would be best if we could 'lock' the mouse to confined within the game window.
  3. If anyone is using Launchbox to organize their games and would like to have a separate folder for Singe 1 and Singe 2 games for better organization, I've put together Windows batch scripts that can launch games in those folder separately. You can find those batch files from Features - Bezel are loaded using Reshade instead of `hypseus -bezel` argument for more flexibility - Bezel are automatically loaded from `bezels` folder. Each system has its own folder for better organization - Separate folder for Singe1, Singe2, Daphne, and ActionMax games for better organization. - Applied reshade CRT filter by default Might upload a full pack including videos for all of these games on Pixel if requested, it might be too large
  4. Kudos Thanks to this great tips I'm able to get ALL the songs even in the latest update 20220202 downloaded from nyaa.torrents. You might notice that some licensed songs are removed from the last 20220202 update, but using the tips by @NicholasNRG I'm able to retain those by excluding the dummies from overwriting when applying the 20220202 update. Will upload a package with all licensed songs + the latest update 20220202 sometime tonight to contribute to those! The only jacket that is missing is OverMyRailgun, all others are there! The update sequence for the pack is: 1. A20 Basegame 20200203 2. A20 Plus 2021080400AIOV4 3. A20 Plus 20220202 FINAL update from nyaa torrents Songs database after applying the FINAL update and retain all licensed songs. Let me know if there's anything missing! Next is to update it to A3!~. But I'll always keep a copy of A20 Plus. On a sidenote, MonkeyBusiness seems to only able to save the High Scores but not the ranks/progress itself. Not sure if this will be fixed later.
  5. For some reason the touch input NO LONGER work at random. Hotkey still works to activate the overlay, but all mouse click won't work. Already enable Force Touch emulation but still no change. I guess spice is really unstable.
  6. Yep reinstalled and still the same hmm. Even copied `music_list.xml` to the game server
  7. I've done the same settings but the same screen as below appears as soon as I entered the PIN. I'm using the release from Can confirm the server connection is fine as I can see the APIs response, and can create name entry too.
  8. T Thanks a lot for this clean dump! This is probably one of the most easiest game to setup and plug-and-play style. Too bad there's no known ea-server that support it, yet.
  9. Tried using AHK hotkey script to remap the default key mappings, but somehow it's not applicable to the game. Confirmed the AHK script is working fine when I tried it on notepad. Yep changing the txt file won't work, as it's meant for reference only. The best match for key related settings I found are in the "The Bishi Bashi\data\xml\IBBconf.xml" folder, but somehow the keys defined there doesn't work. You can clearly see the kep map for Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow button. E.g. for player one that is mapped to A, S, D, and W. But somehow some program must be modifying it.
  10. Thanks for this MGA dump and I finally got it working! Download base game I36-2011092900 from Do not download the older version I36-2011012100 Open prop/eamuse-config.xml and modify <model __type="str">ACP</model> to <model __type="str">I36</model> If you didn't modify the setting the game will just quit after the `Application Launching` screen. Download spice2x and copy to contents folder. Note: - Coin button doesn't seems to work. However the coin input is functioning well in I/O input check Test Mode. Not sure how to get this working to simulate real arcade experience, I like coins! - Didn't have forward/backward problem like other mentioned. Probably I'm using the latest spice2x? - EA server and I/C card is working perfectly. Make sure you download `mga` plugin from Does anyone know how to get Lightgun such as Sinden Lightgun to work with this game? Currently it work perfectly with Mouse.
  11. Confirmed that this fixes the game from repeating again and again after launch.
  12. Thanks for the DLL registration tips! Didn't knew this had to be done to solve the issue where licensed song will freeze/locked up! Anyone figured out how to get the 'insert credit' coins mecha working? This is probably the only game that didn't have a working Coin function. I've used spice as the loader for other series like PopnMusic, Nostalgia and beatmania and all has coins feature working.
  13. Hey guys, just downloaded the base game (MDX-001-2020020300) and applied MDX-2021080400AIOV4 updates over it. So far I noticed songs from Anime/Game genre failed to load properly. The game just stuck/freeze at the album art after confirming the songs. Other songs seems to load fine. Edit: Solved by registering DLL in contents/com folder. Seems like the lockup only affect licensed songs such as anime/game titles. Once registered the movies and lockup issue dissapears!
  14. Thanks for the info but I've tried running the MonkeyBusiness EA server on Op.3 and the card IC feature still didn't work. Card creation is ok, but as soon as I enter the 4 PIN correctly, the following screen shows up and the game then loop back to the title screen. Tried the second time and no avail. Also after the game screen, the server will print out the following error. No such error when trying it with Beatmania 29 though. Already set the `service` url to and `Url Slash` to 1 as mentioned. MonkeyBusiness game server screen
  15. Here's a summary of me updating Beatmania 28 from the base version 20210426 to the latest version 20210915, with fully working Omnimix pack. 1-1 Download the Base Game, Updates, and Omnimix Pack (Optional) 1. Download links for base game with version 20210426. 2. Download the update links (335.49 MB) (484.54 MB) (26 MB) Credits to @piotr25691 from Extract them all and overwrite the content to your base game folder, starting with LDJ-2021042600-2021070500 -> LDJ-2021070500-2021083000 -> LDJ-2021091500 3. (Optional) To install omnimix pack that includes all the BMS from past titles up till 28. Download the following: Beatmania IIDX 28 Bistrover Omnimix Extract and overwrite all contents to your beatmania 28 folder. The folder structure should looked like: Create a gamestart-28-omni-spice2.bat under the contents folder and paste the following. spice64.exe -iidx -io -modules modules -k mempatch-hook.dll bm2dx.dll --mempatch iidx_omnimix_28.txt Now you should have all the updates and omnimix pack setup. Next configure the game loader `spicecfg.exe` before running the game! 1-2 Configuring Spice Game Loader 1. Go to Options and setService URL to http://localhost:8083 so that the game connect to the Asphyxia server that we just run. 2. Create card by going to `Cards` option and click `Generate` 3. Setup keys 1-3 Patch bm2dx.dll (Optional) Go to and click on a beatmania series > 28 duh! Select Beatmania IIDX 28\contents\modules\bm2dx.dll from the dialog box. Then check the following settings: Save the dll and overwrite 1-4 Running the Game Double click gamestart-28-omni-spice2.bat and profit! (Optional) Disable Free Mode and Enable Coin By default Free Mode is enabled, you can disable it and require Coins instead, useful if you own an arcade machine and wanted a real arcade experience. To do so, press Test key to enter test mode and go to Coin Settings, then change Free Mode to OFF. (Optional) Change game version shown during launch screen Modify Beatmania IIDX 28\\contents\\dev\\nvram\\ea3-config.xml and change the following: Start the game and the version should be updated.
  16. Thanks for this detailed instructions. Confirmed working with the 2022052400 version downloaded from pixeldrain. For some reason setting the monitor index and windowed mode didn't helped to position the application. My main monitor is only able to render 80% of the screen and the remaining 20% was rendered to the bottom monitor. Wish it can display up and bottom screen at once on a horizontal 16:9 monitor.
  17. Thanks I'm thinking to do the same, but instead create 2 batch file and put in pre and post launch in RL. First, put the ic_card.bin and txt in the game folder `ic_card`. Create a file copy_ic_card_to_c_root that copy the ic_card to C:\ root @echo off copy /y "r:\ROMS-Arcade-PC-Modern\Sega RingEdge\Shining Force - Cross Raid V1.05\ic_card\iccard.*" C:\ Create another file copy_ic_card_from_c_root that copy the ic_card from C:\\ to the game ic folder. @echo off copy /y C:\iccard.* "r:\ROMS-Arcade-PC-Modern\Sega RingEdge\Shining Force - Cross Raid V1.05\ic_card"
  18. I've seen others on YT playing this game in 60fps, yet TP only renders this in a locked 30 FPS.
  19. The game didn't seems to save the progress after completing mission? The ic.bin file date didn't updated after I completed the first chapter hmm.
  20. DSync

    Game Loader All Rh

    Hi all, not sure if anyone here encounter a random 'executable was terminated' popup error whenever I tried to use GameLoaderRH to launch some selected Sega RingEdge 2 titles such as Under Defeat HD+. No issues however when launching any Taito Type X games though. Tried both using GameLoaderRH that config controls using TeknoParrot and RConfig, but still no avail. Also granted Admin privilege to GameLoaderRH.exe file. My GameLoader RH config for RingEdge 2 titles like
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