Retried this game running in Teknoparrot recently and discovered menu is working and saving settings by now (like km/h instead of mp/h), fantastic. But the game is overall still not working correctly on my system. I tested and these problems are actually the same, regardless if I use Teknoparrot and its dump of the game or the "Works on older PC" - Version uploaded on the former post of this thread that uses the jconfig tool (the newer 16:9 version doesn't work for me anyway, as my system hates dgvoodoo and refuses to run any game with it). These are my current problems:
1) I can't get fullscreen display of the game working correctly unless I use a compatibility mode on the game.exe (it doesn't seem to matter which one from XP SP2 to windows 8, it's all the same effect). If I don't use compatibility mode, I get garbled graphics that freeze after a short while and the game won't run. It works in a small window without compatibility mode if I check General - Windowed box in the Teknoparrot settings or in fullscreen with compatibility mode.
So setting the compatibility mode wouldn't bother me at all usually and this would already be a proper fix for the fullscreen issue, but I also want to use the FFBPlugin for force feedback in the Teknoparrot version. And I found the game doesn't start if the game.exe is in any compatibility mode and the dll-files from the FFBPlugin are put into the same folder. If I use the windowed version without compatibility mode for the game.exe AND have the FFBPlugin copy/pasted in the game folder, force feedback works properly, though. So I can only have EITHER working force feedback OR fullscreen display of the game at the moment.
2) The game doesn't display the demo fmvs and the Nancy video messages unless I install the wmv9VCMsetup.exe provided with the game dumps on my Win10 64 system. But unfortunately even after installing that it still doesn't work properly for me and even breaks the game. The game starts and shows the demo videos and Nancy but the display of the video always stops and freezes to a still picture after a short while and the game crashes completely. I have to quit it by hitting ESC key. And additionally, I don't know how to properly uninstall the wmv9VCMsetup drivers again, it doesn't seem to have an uninstaller or I at least couldn't find any. After a while I found out it seems to to install a dll-file called wmv9vcm.dll in my SysWO64 subfolder within the Windows folder. If I delete or move that file with admin privileges I at least can play the version without demos and Nancy vids again, but I have no clue what else the installer did and if it changed my registry and how.
If anyone has a tip or a clue how to deal with these problems, it would be very nice if you could tell me. For the moment, I'm too fed up trying to make this game work properly, it's been too much of hassle for me.