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Tout ce qui a été posté par BEMANIGUY

  1. beatmania IIDX 32 Pinky Crush full base game to 2025011400 Clean Download, no RESIDENT or EPOLIS needed. Sharing is caring, pls somebody put it on Nyaa already, I've done my deed for the day.
  2. Oh I just noticed mine has /2x at the end, probably the reason haha. Ah, would you be able to share some info on how to do this? I did have a look at the two .db save files and they appeared different, a few step by step examples would be super appreciated!
  3. Yeah, because sows data isn't the exact same data we've already been using for a year :V You do know it's all the same files right? Yeah, you use this in Spice2x, open the Patches tab and paste the URL in, it's very straightforward.
  4. This is the clean sows release, nothing has been touched and it's complete, I simply uploaded it for the community, this is ready to go with Spice2x and I can confirm I have tested and played it myself, you can even add the latest Pinky Crush updates to this and it works perfectly with the updated Asphyxia plugin bsed on duel0213's work. The Omnimix is available on sows too, which is currently on Freeleech, but I would suggest the 1cc Omnimix where possible since it generally includes more than sows, (Old Version) charts are super welcome. Read up, this was already posted: Yeah, this isn't in the repository, join the 1cc Discord for all of the latest developments, you won't see PC in that repository for at least a year roughly, everyone can access the 1cc Discord, just read the front page of the 1cc board: all the information is there.
  5. Just join the 1cc Discord, you find most of the information there before it's provided here.
  6. Pinky Crush Patches: The Asphyxia plugin is based on the newer, much better one here:, however this means your save data from the previous plugin doesn't work due to differences, there is an import function however you cannot currently import your scores from the older plugin by Sol (maintainned and updated by the community), this means you have two options: Start with a fresh Asphyxia user and save data Wait for, or create yourself a way to import your old data to the new plugin The import doesn't seem to work with official IIDX json, so if that were supported I imagine it would be the most ideal solution. You can find the plugin in the 1cc Discord.
  7. Full release of LDJ-012-2024082600
  8. Is there an 010 DLL for 2024070200 floating around out there perhaps? Thanks in advance o/
  9. Hey, has anyone got a reupload of this? Link's dead unfortunately and all I can find is the patched exe version not a clean dump. Thanks!
  10. Your first issue for DJ Troopers is using Windows 11, even Windows 10 is a pain in the ass, you should also outline exactly what type of PC you're building, the specs would help everyone understand more, having the wrong hardware can result in poor performance or crashes, older styles require (without modification) certain GPU's for example. You need to be a lot more specific about your issue, posting a log file would help those here narrow down the issue, you may even be able to determine the issue just by checking it yourself. You also need to outline every step of your journey, there are multiple executables, multiple versions of DJ Troopers and other styles, multiple cracks and a myriad of other factors, do you have two monitors? Do you have more than one network card? (Wi-Fi & Ethernet count as one each), if you do, you need to disable one to get networking working, are you using bemanitools or spice? you need to explain everything as best you can, screenshots and log files help tremendously.
  11. As others have said, your CPU is not supported, you do not have AVX2, either get a new CPU (you really should) or hex edit the DLL to patch out the videos, I'm unsure if that solution still works however. Honestly just get new hardware, if finances are an issue cut down on takeaway food and other expenses, either way you can't run EPOLIS as-is. i5-4690k's can be found for almost nothing with a motherboard and RAM on eBay, you can also pick up a used GTX 1060 or similar for equally almost nothing and this would be more than sufficient for a home built BEMANI PC on a tiny budget.
  12. Somebody made a new plugin that supports DJ TROOPERS -> RESIDENT Probably wouldn't be hard to get EPOLIS working but I haven't dabbled enough in it to know, in case anyone else was interested in older styles this is great to have.
  13. Oh I recognise you, you're the guy with the custom cabs on sows, your SDVX snd IIDX are amazing, getting anything here in Europe is so hard unless you have lots of money, it's great to see custom stuff out there. KONAMI I/O board is connected directly to the PC, but the controls and 16 Segment Display are all connected via the CN ports I believe, which are serial to the board. A friend has his in bits but sent me a photo of his CB PC with the I/O board disconnected, you can see the parts where CN8-CN19 are labelled, one of these is where it would connect to, data from the game is sent via USB to the I/O board which then talks to the 16 Segment Display and listens for inputs from the player, controls lights etc. Friend also linked me to this page: You can find more photos of the PC and other boards there, it's probably best to ask in the IIDX cab owners thread on sows about which port controls the 16 Seg, the I/O board itself isn't hard to get hold of, my friend has several and you may find a local seller there, DM me if you're looking for more info though as I think it's a bit beyond the scope of this thread possibly, haha.
  14. It is useless without a KONAMI I/O Board and various other pieces of hardware found in the cabinet, I have a spare I/O board and IIDX PC but never tested how far you can get with it alone, I doubt very far without introducing maybe an Arduino or something. If you want easy and modern: The best alternative without adding all sorts of other hacky boards and code is TickerHook This will send the 16 Segment DIsplay info (the Ticker) to a browser page you can embed into pretty much anything, if you want a sense of authenticity with little fuss then throw a long LCD bar at the back in place of the 16 Segment Display and this would do the job, with the added bonus of colour changing, font changing and more. Then add a USB controller for the effector panel itself if you have that and you are ready to go. If you want authentic but hacky: Arduino? Pi? Something along those lines possibly. If you want authentic: Get the rest of the cab, or just he I/O boards and away you go.
  15. Thanks for the Asphyxia info! EDIT: Problem resolved, I did a full reinstall and everything appears to be working, not certain what caused it but all's good!
  16. Yeah no luck here, the game launches to a black screen and then fails to load any further, judging by chat in the 1cc Discord the data's still screwed so it might be best to wait for a full on proper clean release, unless somebody knows otherwise. My usual patcher doesn't have 20231206 but these two do: - Loads the dll - Doesn't load the dll 1cc links refers to a channel in the 1cc Discord where links are posted. Here is everything so far for those who don't have access to 1cc Discord: LDJ-2023101800-to-2023120600.7z (Not clean) LDJ-012-2023120600_CLEANED_UP.7z (Cleaned up?) LDJ-010-2023120600-CLEAN.7z (Apparently clean) LDJ-2023120600_omnimix.7z (Apparently Omnimix) Epolis_omni_20231206_v2_mini.7z (An update to Omnimix?) music_omni.bin (Apparently required?) Very little context provided for all the files, so probably best to wait until it's all been figured out, it's a bit of a mess right now.
  17. The original Asphyxia supports SINOBUZ, CANNON BALLERS and Rootage, there was also an older plugin that supported these but I cannot for the life of me find it any more, all info copied straight from the sows thread: Asphyxia is a Chinese produced software. If you are paranoid about anything China related, DO NOT use Asphyxia. Asphyxia v0.2.0a This is a score saving "e-amuse emulator". Discord Server Download (win64/win32/armv7(pi))!wK40UAjL!MTezJ2i_n726O3DyHQUpVg Changelog v0.2.0a: - Added skin options for GITADORA v0.1.8a: - New sdvx_appeal.json file for you to override your appeal card and aka-name/title v0.1.6c: - Re-organized courses for SOUND VOLTEX HEAVENLY HAVEN - Fixed mangled title rewards - Added 11 deleted courses v0.1.6b: - You can now use your own mdb file for GITADORA, e.g. omnimix (argument: --gitadora-mdb PATH) v0.1.6a: - Added HELLO! POP'N MUSIC support Currently Supported Games/Versions Notice Intended for people who play dumps or own cabs. Although there are no license, online verification or anything like that. We kindly ask you NOT to run this on public cabs. Also please don't sell this or charge money for this. Feature set SDVX: - Skill Analyzer - Navigators force unlock - Local Matching probably works as well IIDX: - Dan Courses - Personal Top5 (Displayed as shop rank) - Personal Best PACEMAKER Ghost - Customizable skin and q-pro (if you know the ids) - Local Matching Arena with CPU support - CPUs' score will scale based on their skill level (CPUs will never get AAA) pop'n music: - Character progression in éclale - Score saving only for うさぎと猫と少年の夢 and peace jubeat: - Score saving only. - Skip matching without expert options. Nostalgia: - Force unlock unobtainable brooches - Island progress - Reduced island price and unlock requirements (10 times less) - Exam mode Reflec Beat Reflesia: - Force unlock songs - Quest progress - Class Check mode GITADORA: - Force unlock songs HELLO! POP'N MUSIC: - Everything is supported (probably) - Edit hpnm.json for force unlocks (unlockAll: true) System Requirements Check these if you want to run it on cabs Windows 7/8/10 50MB of RAM (64-bit) 25MB of RAM (32-bit) Usage Change url in your ea3-config.xml ("http://localhost:8083") Open asphyxia.exe Open game. Profit. If for some reason you need to change port or to bind address other than localhost. Use -h argument to see available arguments.
  18. AVX issue, can be bypassed using the hex edits found throughout this thread, but personally I struggled with it on my official CANNON BALLERS IIDX PC so I wouldn't bother trying, if you're still using hardware that old then you really should just upgrade, don't fight the inevitable.
  19. It doesn't seem like the OP is around any more, even the links in the post are dead, whatever you've got cooking feel free to share if possible.
  20. I'm looking to add support for tricoro onwards to the plugin, I've gotten as far as login but error there, will do more debugging when I finish work today. Before I go any further I wanted to ask if anyone else had already done some work, as it would be far wiser to use what currently exists as opposed to starting fresh or trying to backport existing code to older styles. If anyone's got anything please say, it'd be great to have older styles supported, PENDUAL, SPADA and copula are a joy to play.
  21. You're an absolute star, thank you so much this fixed it right up!
  22. Hey I'm trying to run A20, A20+ or A3 and no matter what I keep getting a 'Network is busy' error upon carding in, I've tried starting with fresh save data for DDR but no luck, I'm using an Asphyxia that supposedly supports up to A3. I'm running latest the Asphyxia on my home server and everything else works without issue, IIDX, pop'n, jubeat, MUSECA etc with several profiles no problems, only DDR has trouble. Would anyone have an idea of what might be causing the issue? Thanks!
  23. It's out there, nobody is willing to share, same as usual. Exclusivity makes people feel special, or perhaps they're scared of the big bad KONAMI, whatever the case is I don't think we'll see it for a few months. 15 years of this shit has taught me patience, so ust sit back and clear some older songs. One day I hope we end all the exclusivity and data police shit.
  24. Hey does anyone know what files to swap to change the BGM in EPOLIS? Asphyxia BGM changing doesn't work so wanted to just do a hard swap instead. Thanks.
  25. Thank for the anwer, appreciate the info.
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