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Rising Star

Rising Star (9/14)

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. Set your pc to japan region
  2. Anyone succeeded to run the arcade version ? for me it crashes to desktop but maybe i've missed something, should work on vertical screen
  3. thanks for the upload
  4. How to enable gore for red blood?
  5. I got 2 issues when running it with tp the missing dll error message if tp crosshair option enabled and the reload button not working only off screen works any solution for both issues? thank you
  6. What’s the latest progress of dbz online and the playability of tekken6/br+razing storm arcade? thank you
  7. Change the res upscale rpsc3 settings according to your monitor max res it should improve it
  8. Which gpu are you using?
  9. Searching for a solution for rtx gpu to the flickering on dracula last stage boss i've tried native/4k res and using 2080ti any fix? thank you
  10. Dl a fresh one the game works fine with latest tp
  11. Just buy the original glasses that costs 86$ and hope that your gpu and monitor support it, then maybe just maybe you’d be able to play dark escape 3d
  12. Which game files you used only of partition one? thank you
  13. Probably rawinput with tp but for now it looks like they are struggling with the inputs still early since they only working on it for a few days we'll see
  14. Use a mouse with “endless spinning” i’m using logitech mx master works great(it sucks using a keyboard)
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