Hello to all and thank you for your hard work in cracking these Nesicaxlive games. Ive been able to get some going but Im a little lost in one step. Hopefully someone can guide me through it. Its this step.
Open a command line in admin
Install.bat, answer Y, check in the windows services that it is well launched
Edit host file (cf .txt nexyservice) data.nesys.jp
I have no idea what im supposed to do here. When I extract NesysService.rar into a game folder I get 5 files , Install.bat, NesysService.exe, NesysService_x64.exe, Readme.txt, Uninstall.bat. by the way I cant read that Readme.txt file its all a bunch of numbers and weird characters.
now im supposed to right click on install.bat and open a command line and type Y, ok I did that
next, is where I get lost with "edit host file (cf.text nexyservice )" where exactly do I find this file?
If someone can share a snap shot of a working game folder maybe I can guide myself through it.
any help would be appreciated
thank you