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  1. I would love a link to any of the guides setting up the Asphyxia Server (bonus points if they are for Nostalgia specifically). I've tried googling, and looking through this forum, but I think I'm blind...
  2. Now onto my issues/bugs: In my Nostalgia OP 3 instance none of the album art is showing 😞. This makes it a bit hard to figure out what song to choose as my japanese is not that great. My Nostalgia+FORTE is working just fine showing the album art. I even tried copying my /data/ folder from FORTE over to OP 3, but that didn't make any difference. Checking some of the /data/sound/music/ folders they look exactly the same between FORTE and OP 3. And I don't see any glaring errors in the logs. So I have no idea what to do about this. Anyone have any advice on this would be apriciated. Do I have all of my songs unlocked correctly? I've all of the music_list.xml entries in /data/ /data_op2/ and /data_op3/ to <unlock_type __type='s8' >1</unlock_type>, but the numbers are not matching up. Nostalgia+FORTE is showing 22 full pages x 6 songs a page = 132 songs. BUT data/songs/music has 191 folders in it. OP 3 is showing 56 full pages x 6 songs a page + 3 songs on the 57th page = 339 songs. BUT data/songs/music = 191 + data_op2/songs/music = 122 + data_op3/songs/music = 88 = 401 total songs How do I setup an account to use the Asphyxia Server? I've got the server up and running, and the URL setup in the spicecfg.exe. What is "PASELI" that I see in the bottom left corner? How do I increase it? I've setup a card in spicecfg.exe and generated a number. When I run the game it asks to insert a card. I click F7 to open up the card manager, I enter in my username and paste in my card number I generated in the CFG and click save. Then I select the card and enter it. It went through a process I think to setup a 4 digit pin, ad my actual username. Then it got stuck in a loop re-entering the card... I restarted the game, now the touch screen doesn't work so I can't enter in my pin anymore.... I'm very confused. How do I get into the game BIOS settings? (I don't know the better name for this). Where I can change from Free Play to Normal Play? I got into this once, and I don't know how I did it... I think my Categories are funky. In FORTE I have like 9 songs under Anime, but when I look at All Songs I see quite a few Touhou songs that are not under Anime. Same with Pop. It's even worse in OP 3 where I only have 2 songs under Anime... Taking a look at music_list.xml I would guess <category_flag __type='s32' >2</category_flag> has to do with it. But I have no idea what the numbers mean. For the category_flag I see the following number: 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 18, 20, 24, 32, 48, 64, 96. But I don't know what these corollate to. As some songs fall under multiple categories. If anyone has a good music_list.xml for FORTE, OP2, and OP3 that have them categorized correctly that would be great. Else I might have to edit the file myself and try and find a complete list of songs... How do I get OP2 working? I downloaded PAN-2019112700, created a copy of my FORTE folder that's working. Copied the contents of PAN-2019112700 into that new FORTE folder. And tried running spice64.exe. But it still says Nostalgia, not OP2. Is there a step I'm missing?
  3. Thank you all whoever is the ones setting this up. I wanted to share a bit of what I had to do to get this to work. And had a few questions (in my next post) that I'd thought I'd ask. My end result so far is that I have Nostalgia FORTE and Nostalgia OP 3 up and running, using the latest SpiceTools. And I've gotten the local Asphyxia server running (but not saving?). Nostalgia OP 3 also has a bug where the album art is not showing. And the categories are a bit off (I think). Why I'm using the latest SpiceTools: I was getting a bug with the one in the Mirror Link for OP 3 where my cursor was not showing (even with the -s show cursor option). And using the latest SpiceTools fixed that bug. How to get the latest SpiceTools: Enable/Install Arch Linux terminal in Windows 11: Run the following command to get latest copy of SpiceTools git clone Run the following command to install all of the binaries listed in the README for SpiceTools. Also install cmake and unzip. sudo pacman -S [package name here] Find a copy of toolchain-i686-w64-mingw32.cmake and toolchain-x86_64-w64-mingw32.cmake and paste them into a reachable place for the script Update the /spicetools/ scripts TOOLCHAIN_32/64 to point to those last 2 files Update the and make it exacutable chmod +x Run the following to compile SpiceWorks ./ Copy the built /bin/spicetool folder back to windows Download Nostalgia + FORTE (from the first post) | Or download the Nostalgia OP 3 from the Mirror (this comes with an old version of SpiceTools) Put the /spicetool files inside the Nostalgia+FORTE folder and run the spicecfg.exe to setup the configuration Run spice64.exe to play! For easy setup I just have the following options enabled in the spicecfg.exe - options tab. "-ea" (EA Emulation) The "-ea" emulation option basically says that you won't connect to a server, and you wont save your progress. "-s" (Show Cursor) Other options (make backup of these files before editing): Edit the /prop/ea3-config.xml file and change <dest>J</dest> to <dest>K</dest> (destination Japan to Korea). This enables FORTE mode, which allows you to play all difficulties without having to unlock them. Edit the /data/sound/music_list.xml file and change all of the "<unlock_type __type='s8' >#</unlock_type>" to "<unlock_type __type='s8' >1</unlock_type>". Changing them to "1" will make them available to play without having to unlock them. Finally I setup the Asphyxia Server. This should allow you to host a local database that will save your progress. (while I've gotten this setup, I haven't seen my progress save yet). NOTE: This is currently only setup to save progress for Nostalgia+FORTE and OP 2. OP 3 is not officially covered. Download and unzip the latest Asphyxia Server: Download the latest Community Plugins and unzip into the "plugins" folder inside the Asphyxia Server folder: Run the Asphyxia.exe. This will open up a command prompt, and a web page. (leave the command prompt open, since if you close this you close the Asphyxia server) Make sure in the Web GUI that Nostalgia shows up Copy the Asphyxia URL(default: http://localhost:8083/) Open your spicecfg.exe and go to the "options" tab Paste your Asphyxia URL into the "-url" Service URL text box. Make sure you uncheck "-ea" server as they both can't work at the same time. As long as you have Asphyxia Server running before your open Nostalgia you should be good to go and have your data saved (according to what I've read so far). Again I haven't really gotten it to work yet, but also I haven't tested it too much yet.
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