I finally got it to work!:
1. Deleted both ea3-config & avs-config files in "prop" folder
2. replaced them with default version of the files (from the "defaults" folder in the "prop" folder. if your "prop" folder does not have "defaults" folder, search around this site or elsewhere for a link to a "defaults" .zip )
3. started up spice64.exe [make sure asphyxia is running before opening .exe] & saw the errors in the log, then edited the code (to what you recommended to) in both default files one at a time (spice64.exe -> edit/save default ea3config file -> spice64.exe ->edit/save default avs-config file -> spice64.exe)
4. pressed the "test" button during start-up of spice64.exe (when the screen goes black) to see the test menu & adjust options as needed (such as set clock time)
5. see the game run successfully, then closed the program
6. patched the bm2dx.dll with the .dll patchers found elsewhere, then downloaded & added patched .dll to the "modules" folder.
7. opened spice64.exe. game should be running normal now.
I'm mostly writing this so others don't struggle like I have.
Thank you so much for your assistance. ✌️