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  1. Oh, I see, how sad to read that. Hope to see this game working in the future, as It's amazing for the thing we have seen from the arcades gameplays...
  2. WelI, I downloaded segatools, added some paths required and detailed on the segatools.ini file but, for some reason, it only shows a blank screen that disappears instantly and the log returns this: --- Begin fgo_pre_startup --- DVD: hook enabled. TOUCH: hook enabled. Printer: RFID: hook enabled. Printer: hook enabled. Reg hook init Epay: Init VFD: hook enabled. Deck Reader: hook enabled. FTDI: Hook enabled. LED 15093: hook enabled. CreateProcess: Init --- End fgo_pre_startup --- CreateProcess: Hooking child process (null) am/amdaemon.exe -c config.json -c Y:/SDEJ/amdaemon_aux.json -m Y:/SDEJ/amdaemon_merge_result.json -l Y:/SDEJ/amdaemon.exe.log CreateProcess: Replaced CreateProcessA inject -d -k fgohook.dll am/amdaemon.exe -c config.json -c Y:/SDEJ/amdaemon_aux.json -m Y:/SDEJ/amdaemon_merge_result.json -l Y:/SDEJ/amdaemon.exe.log Game processes have terminated Press any key to continue . . . There is any other step or something that I'm missing?
  3. Hey there!! Are there any news about this? I have been trying to run the file attached with latest segatools but no luck at all (maybe because I don't know very well how to use them). Do you know if the server was finally launched?
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