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  1. Arcade games have the worst control experience with a mobile phone. Even if you use a computer to play them, the requirements for the computer are very high.
  2. I don't know how to start this game yet. I just know that this game must also use version 0.66-68
  4. acedriv3.arcadedefzoidiexp.arcadedefzoidsinf.arcadedef zoidiexp and zoidsinf The specified simulator version must be used. ver 0.66-68, adt1005-na-hdd0a.chd zoidsinf-ex-plus-ver2-10.chd zoidsinf.chd Remember to change the .chd name in the .arcadedef patch file to the corresponding name.
  5. Step3 把IMG原始大文件转换成模拟器使用的CHD小文件.bat Use with chdman.exe to convert
  6. How to enter test mode, press L3+R3? How do I identify the English and Japanese versions? I tried to test the switch and found that one has a large font and the other has a smaller font. Is the large font the English version?
  7. Indeed, I don't know how to bypass the red text and can't start the test mode
  8. For the second step can you share an arcadesaves document?
  9. Stuck on the logo screen and not knowing what to do next. Touch the desired item to operate it.But I don't know how to touch.
  10. The game he's talking about is different from ours. The minimum number here is 1, which should be the commission of the game manufacturer. Zoids Infinity can be set to free.
  11. How to set up ZoidiExp? I didn't see the coin setting as free.
  12. There are several games that the emulator currently does not support control, such as Ridge Racer, Zoids Infinity, and The Idolmaster.
  13. As you can see, you can run it after updating the simulator, and Taiko no Tatsujin 7 can also run it.
  14. Please share your modified .bin file. Can you modify and launch the other two games using the same method? NM00003 Technic Beat NM00035 The Battle of YuYu Hakusho - Deathmatch! Dark Martial Arts Association
  15. This game can also develop a 16:9 widescreen function. I also hope you can help me find out how to unlock all the characters in this game. I can unlock all the characters in other versions, but not in this game, even though the dongle is paired correctly. NM00019 TE52 DVD0B [Ver.5.1] (DVD-ROM).iso.gz NM00019 TE51, Ver.B4 a026051314505a.bin.gz
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