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  1. got a crc error in wii/medium_artwork)/video/Reaload.mp4
  2. Thanks again. Keep it up! Still hoping for a wii addon one day 💗
  3. bruteX

    wiimote to GUN namco ps1

    Hi, you could use the tool "lichtknarre" to get a very accurate aim with wiimotes. it seems to be a perfect combination with your gun builds. There is also this gun for wii:
  4. For more addons: Beside the wii games, there is also ghost squad for xbox chihiro
  5. Thank you! Is Star wars battle pod possible? It could be played without tekknoparrot And what about a Wii addon? Wii has some good lightgun games.
  6. Any differences in the tekknoparrot pack? the preview one is smaller but has more games? i see, you reorganized the games in PC Arcade and Tekknoparrot.
  7. Congratz! Can i use the preview addon packs or do i need to redownload these also?
  8. You could also do a 4IR Setup with "lichtknarre" now. You could even use your GUN4IR Led-setup. Very accurate. Lichtknarre has a mouse and a vJoy plugin. works with every emulator
  9. yeah, if you know which files you changed you could just pack these PS: any plans to add these standalone dumps (Terminator Salvation Arcade / Aliens Armageddon, night hunter / after dark, lethal enforcer, star wars battle pod, castlevania)?
  10. Thanks for the preview. WIll check it out. Will you make an upgrade pack for the complete release so that we dont need to download the whole package again?
  11. Hey oroborus77, thanks for the news. Im not a sinden user so borders are not that important for me. Im using wiimotes with the program "Lichtknarre" it has a mouse and a vJoy2 plugin. lost land seems to work. TP support was added lately. Maybe you could make this game as an addon. thanks for your work!
  12. Any news? Im very interested in an up to date lightgun pack
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