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  1. Updates XD I downloaded again the game from Nyaa, imported the newest version of Spice and I got again errors with dlls so… I tried it on my other laptop (Windows) and… it worked instantly XD It’s strange because I managed to play DDR A without any problem (it’s a MacBook Pro [M1 Pro] with Parallels) so I thought I could run Nostalgia too! Thanks again for your time and your answers! ^-^
  2. Hey! Are there any active links to download the game? I tried PAN-2020111600 from Nyaa but I continue getting errors... - Initially I had errors with nostalgia.dll and libavs-win64.dll (non present in the downloaded files) -> I installed all the runtimes and libraries as suggested but I was still getting dll errors - Then I downloaded libavs-win64.dll from another game (I don't know if it makes sense XD) and now I get a boot error on the mount table [log.txt] Thanks in advance! log.txt
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