So I spent hours trying to get this game to work with my guitar this monring wiith no luck (menu worked fine in game buttons where wrong). Noticed everyone saying it prety much was GH3 so I grabbed it and tried had same issue, so I know at this time its the a controller issue.
Windows 10 freshly updated, ps3 guitar. I noticed alot of people had the same issue. So I grabbed another guitar and dongle and it worked fine.
So Im wondering how many people made the same mistake I did. 1st one was a rockband ps3 controller and wont work 2nd was ps3 guitar hero controller and works fine. Wouldn't think it would be an issue as I used rockband guitar all the time on ps3 for guitar heros but on pc it matters I guess.
Not sure if it will help anyone but Ill leave it here just in case. I know I got tired of reading fixes that woudln't work etc.