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  1. Press 1 to enter service mode, go to GAME ASSIGNMENTS (4th option), and either set SET STANDARD IN GROUP to STANDARD (2nd option), or set CABINET-TO-CABINET PLAY to OFF (1st option).
  2. Even just OPTs would be good, since they could be adapted to work with Sun itself
  3. In the Test Menu, go to System Information. The second page should show all of your attached option packs, like so: If you are not seeing this, you might need to check your option directory to make sure it is still configured correctly in segatools.ini, as well as check the folders themselves and potentially re-extract them. Also, are you using a self-hosted Aqua server, or part of a public one? The server you are in could've added option packs or moved the target version up a couple versions.
  4. Did you add or change any option packs? This means that one of them de-registered, and you will need to either ensure they are all connected, or change your AIME card number and try again
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