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  1. Thank you for your reply. I didn't think that it was caused by not updating win10 due to circumstances.
  2. When I turn on DirectX 9 on 12 in spice2x config I get the following error [2023/04/29 18:43:30] M:graphics::d3d9: Direct3DCreate9Ex hook hit [2023/04/29 18:43:30] F:graphics::d3d9: unable to find Direct3DCreate9On12Ex [2023/04/29 18:43:30] I:launcher: stopping subsystems It doesn't change even if Microsoft DirectX is installed. What is the cause?
  3. Thank you very much! All sounds worked fine.
  4. I am using google translate. I didn't have these sound data even if I combined my omni and res_omni_infinitas.rar. 27203 28204 28205 28207 28208 28210 If anyone has it, could you please upload it?
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