I cannot, for the life of me, get this game to recognize any form of input. I have tried a fresh install of TP, along with a freshly unzipped Transformers Human Alliance. With a fresh install, it will recognize the coin drop while mpeg sofdec is shown then after that, nothing. Furthermore, even with free play ticked in options, it doesn't recognize the setting. Windows 10 pro 1909, 16gb ram, i7 6700, GTX 1060 super 6 gb. I am ripping my hair out over this one. Oh yeah, I am using the TP that has been web updated. So, I am on the absolute latest of the latest. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I know if I did a fresh install of w10, it would most likely resolve this issue, I am trying to avoid that even though I regularly backup my user folder, program data etc. I hate the whole long drawn out experience of freshly installing W10. Are there any registry entries this game makes? Perhaps its that simple (prolly not)