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  1. help plz. I copied "dgvoodoo.conf" , "dgvoodoocpl.exe" and the .dlls in "exe" folder,but seems does not work.
  2. Hi,guy. how to control the women
  3. I tried, but it didn't work.
  4. hypseus.exe singe vldp -framefile roms\maddog-hd\maddog-hd.txt -script singe\maddog-hd\maddog-hd.singe -fullscreen -blend_sprites -volume_nonvldp 5 -volume_vldp 20 -js_range 7 -manymouse -bezel singe\gungames\maddog.png What is the error in this code, and how can it be fixed?
  5. Maybe you need to copy all the files from the 2.0.6TP version's "game" folder to fill in the missing files, but remember, do not overwrite any existing files. set input in tp,I’ve tried it, and it works fine.
  6. change qumo2.exe to qumo2_en.exe;qumo2_Data to qumo2_en_Data then loaded it use TP
  7. Hi guy,where can I got version 3.0.2
  8. all link was dead
  9. The speed of Cobra is abnormal and can be adjusted through CE
  10. Yes, I can't even load Toon Crisis 2 using Flashpoint; it shows the same misalignment issue. Since the official game link is no longer available, I've searched many websites, and only the one I shared works.
  11. It's need files like this to run
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