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  1. Pirate's hook - data.dat is already extracted. Still needs a dongle in order to decrypt the exe.
  2. Worked on the music for Nerf Arcade last year. Didn’t have game data at the time, but it’s amazing what you can find when videos showing the attract mode have copyright claims. All the music comes from Universal Production Music.
  3. I still have the decrypted files. I’ll reupload whenever I get the chance. If not today, then this weekend.
  4. I apologize if I sounded rude yesterday. There was little context in that statement, and I usually try not to sound rude or snarky. What I should have said was that Harpoon Lagoon should get its own topic so it doesn’t interfere with this one, which is Fishin’ Time. Discussion can continue now.
  5. We can always hope there is a solution someday. Looks like a fun light gun shooter. Might need to get these dumps off
  6. How much progress has been made so far? Is it playable?
  7. There's another ticket game called Zoofari, which was most likely designed by the same people who made Fishin' Time as both cabinets look sort of similar. You shoot peanuts into the animals' mouths to win tickets, where as in Fishin' Time, you catch fish.
  8. There is an arcade redemption game called Fishin' Time that was made by ICE and Play Mechanix back in 2005. However, it has not surfaced anywhere on the internet, which is surprising. I wonder if we could find this ticket game and possibly get it dumped. Below is the cabinet along with the flyer and a video showing the attract mode.
  9. RandomAccessGamer

    Santa's Great Gifts

    You mean Santa is still bringing gifts?! That’s just wild.
  10. Bless you WildWolf for moderating connor / robert / rrz, whatever his name is!
  11. Works great! Took me a little bit to understand what's going on, but I figured it out after getting the W and A for WANTED. Will have to look at Test menu later. Good work Argon. Now I just have to make notes for working on arcade OST now that it's playable. đź‘Ť
  12. Awesome! Got it. Thanks WildWolf Update: Got the music ripped! Looks like I got another arcade OST upload to put on my list
  13. Link is dead after one day! Any chance of getting a reupload?
  14. Yeah, I’m kind of confused. I told him it was a Youtube video and not the game files. I know dump links are not allowed in the discord. Maybe he was trying to joke with me? IDK Other than that, I’m glad everyone is enjoying the latest music upload.
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