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  1. Works great! Took me a little bit to understand what's going on, but I figured it out after getting the W and A for WANTED. Will have to look at Test menu later. Good work Argon. Now I just have to make notes for working on arcade OST now that it's playable. đź‘Ť
  2. Awesome! Got it. Thanks WildWolf Update: Got the music ripped! Looks like I got another arcade OST upload to put on my list
  3. Link is dead after one day! Any chance of getting a reupload?
  4. Yeah, I’m kind of confused. I told him it was a Youtube video and not the game files. I know dump links are not allowed in the discord. Maybe he was trying to joke with me? IDK Other than that, I’m glad everyone is enjoying the latest music upload.
  5. Here it is! Teratoma: The Last Rebellion OST
  6. I have looked at the sound files and got the music ripped, so be expecting an upload soon! Going to aim for uploading to YouTube this weekend.
  7. If I knew what compression method was used or the codec itself, I could get the AVI files to open properly.
  8. Unplayable AVI files have RIFF WAVE format listed in hex editor??? No mention of video?? Very strange and confusing.
  9. Tux Racer Arcade Found this link floating around from last year. Files are already extracted from Linux HDD image.
  10. The game’s music and sounds is in the AVI files, but the problem now is that I can’t properly rip it without getting static in Audacity. And then this afternoon, I discovered that there are multiple audio streams in some of the AVI files when I used Ravioli Game Tools to scan them, which is probably why I can’t open them in VLC Media Player. I really don’t understand why Konami and Gamewax decided to do this instead of just putting them all in a simple WAV format. It’s all just confusing and frustrating for me.
  11. Is it possible to open the AVI files for this game? I know most of the cutscene videos can be opened with VLC Media Player, but I have absolutely NO idea how to open the rest of them. I'm not sure what to do next.
  12. I have been looking at the data and audio for KKOSI, and I have put the soundtrack for this game on my YouTube upload list. So for anyone seeing this topic, be expecting that as soon as possible! It was very easy to rip.
  13. Yep. Already tried Audacity. Can’t get any audio without the data getting in the way.
  14. I've been thinking about ripping music and sounds from different MAME roms, such as Mazan: Flash of the Blade and Ninja Assault, etc. The problem is, I'm not sure how to do it. I know there is a tool that rips music from certain MAME roms, but it doesn't work for all of them. I wonder if someone can help me figure this out. Thanks.
  15. I have been trying to get to the sound files in the data folder. I'm thinking they should be the "data.bin" file. However, I have no idea how to extract it. I already tried 7zip and that didn't work. Not sure what to do from here. Any help would be great.
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