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  1. Make sure you have the latest Nvidia Graphics driver installed. Make sure you have the following version of DirectX installed: Make sure you have something plugged into your mic jack (even if it's not a mic, the game expects something, people had success with just plugging in any AUX cable to the mic port).
  2. New build using the Spice2x version of SpiceTools with a large majority of options removed and only ones pertaining to Metal Gear Arcade listed. Increasing heap size allocation for MGA in hopes of preventing some crashes. Activated events that can occur in-game. Please follow this guide to get set-up correctly, the updated files are listed in the description of the video as well as where you can go to get a PCB ID.
  3. Follow this quick video on how to properly set up your SpiceTools configuration to be able to function properly: NOTE: Until further notice, each player who wants to try MGA with matchmaking will need to DM/Tag me here to have me generate you a PCBID, this is a requirement for matching to work properly and I don't have a simpiler way of doing this currently. NOTE: In order to be a 'HOST' or 'JOIN' for matchmaking, you will need to portforward a specific port that is randomly generated, it will be based on your PCBID. Once you ask for a PCBID I will also give you the port you were assigned, be sure to portfoward in order to host or join in on the matching. NOTE: Once you are at the main screen, press the 'Insert Card' key binding that is set (you can find out which this is by going into SpiceCfg.exe and selecting 'Metal Gear' from the drop-down menu (by default this key is: *) Latest Build: Some additional information in regards to the latest build of the version I posted: 1. Randomized Map Rotation is now working. 2. You can now play the 4-player co-op missions with other players. 3. You can now play PvP (up to 4v4). 4. Free-play has now been forced through the game so you no longer have to spam the 'add-coin' button.
  4. A rather big update in regards to my previous posts. A rather big update in regards to my previous posts. More coming soon.
  5. Is there anyone on this forum that knows/messed around with the way Konami handles matching and such for their arcade games? I've been digging into this non-stop using Ida and other tools and I have some things mapped out but it's just like either SpiceTools or the base-server I'm using in general (along with the additional application handlers I added in) the game just will not see the 2 users. As it stands currently I have the incoming requests being identified and responses being sent back to them, but something with their values or Spice Tools configuration is just not allowing them to communicate with one another. <matching method="request"> <info> <version __type="s32" /> </info> <data> <matchtyp __type="s32" /> <matchgrp __type="s32" /> <matchflg __type="s32" /> <waituser __type="s32" /> <waittime __type="s32" /> <joinip __type="str" /> <localip __type="str" /> <localport __type="s32" /> <dataid __type="str" /> <gamekind __type="str" /> <locationid __type="str" /> <lineid __type="str" /> <locationcountry __type="str" /> <locationregion __type="str" /> </data> </matching> <matching method="wait"> <info> <version __type="s32" /> </info> <data> <hostid __type="s64" /> <locationid __type="str" /> <lineid __type="str" /> </data> </matching> <matching method="finish"> <info> <version __type="s32" /> </info> <data> <hostid __type="s64" /> <locationid __type="str" /> <lineid __type="str" /> </data> </matching> We don't stand to benefit anything from getting this networking working aside from being able to use the UDP data to better document the matchmaking that is used for the PS3 version (MGO2) so if anyone would like to assist and has experience working with Konami's XRPC/ESS/AVS networking stuff just let me know and I'd be more than happy to collaborate. Edit: Let me word that better, it sees the two users, hell it even moves user 2 into user 1's lobby, but once the timer hits 0 it doesn't start the match and displays a 'Please wait longer' message (in Japanese) which then leads to eventually both players being kicked into a 1 vs all CPU match which would indicate to me I am passing bad data/not responding properly as the most likely reason...?
  6. Try updating your Geforce Experience drivers. Also try installing or reinstalling DirectX:
  7. New build. Feel free to DM me your Card Number and I can send you the converted number to be able to register on the website and track current scores. More statistics are planned on being added down the road once we figure out the final determination on match-making. Changes: Free-play is now enabled, you should no longer have to worry about inserting credits. Reverted some previous changes to fix any issues previous users experienced despite being able to play with the previous build. Some/most of the error screens being displayed at start-up should no longer occur. No promises on it being successfully added, but we are at least starting attempts at getting the matchmaking working (this is not included in this build). qGS8HhW.mp4
  8. Has anyone else experienced the same problem using the most recently posted build?
  9. Rename it to spicetools_backup.xml and let it make a new one.
  10. Here you go: Some of the things I am going to await to hear the results of from others but I aimed to change with this build: 1. No more errors/checks for anything that can be bypassed by spamming the 'Test' button (severe errors that prevent emulation from being possible still will show for users). 2. No more needing to use coins as free-play should now be enabled by default along with the card system and progression saving. 3. The overall process of getting signed up for your first time and the ability to get right into the game should be sped up slightly by terminating some unnecessary interfaces. 4. A crash was fixed which was caused by a faulty graphics file from one of the stages in-game. 5. Attempted to stop the game from checking for anything and throwing error messages preventing users from getting to the debug/test screen (This means that typically all users will have to use the Test/Debug key to get started playing the game but also means that users who had all needed components and still got unskippable error messages may have a chance to play too). Short video demonstrating gameplay and functionality as of this build:
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