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  1. Thank you for your reply The port is correct in device manager and segatools (ledport=COM6, should that be under a [led] heading or something?). I can't quite figure out what to change in start.bat and/or the config files. Is there something that I should be looking out for? I can see a port for the card reader in one of the config files but no clear variable for the controller... @echo off pushd %~dp0 taskkill /f /im amdaemon.exe > nul 2>&1 start /min inject_x64.exe -d -k chusanamhook.dll amdaemon.exe -f -c config_common.json config_server.json config_client.json config_cvt.json config_sp.json config_hook.json inject_x86.exe -d -k chusanhook.dll chusanApp.exe taskkill /f /im amdaemon.exe > nul 2>&1 echo. echo Game processes have terminated pause ^ current start.bat
  2. Hi! I have been trying to get Sun working with my new Openithm controller. I could get to the point of led color control, the touch pad color stays white ingame... In Paradise I had this working by specifying ledport=.... But the same does not seem to hold for Sun. Anyone get it working yet? Thanks!
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