1) I have the same problem with Akai Katana Shin - 302201. Whatever I'll do it's ALLWAYS on on 1/4 screen, windowed or not. All other games (including Daemon Bridge) works ok. Anyone have any idea how to fix it?
2) Rumble Fish 2 problem: If I configure keys via Jconfig game stucks on loader screen with white rectangle in background. It basically freez "behind" loader. If I'll delete monitor_input.bin game start's fine, but I have no controls. Any fix for this? Can someone share old ver of iDamcDr32.dll (90 kb) - maybe this will help?
3) Maybe someone will find this useful: Way to partially (in stroy mode) english Nitroplus Blasterz: a) in flashrom/text rename files. copy fonts from flashrom/font/font_sys_jp to flashrom/font/font_mes_jp