Hello @xtremebuga i'll try to explain what i've done!
I followed the guide here on emuline by: linglang and the setup help from TeknoParrot website.
Thanks to: linglang, Reaver, NTAuthority, avail, nzgamer41, Nezarn, nibs, Boomslangnz, Pooterman, all Patreons, and all community members who support this project.
I recently assembled a PC just to play with Emulators and Loaders. It´s the One I have in my profile
1) First I installed Windows 10 Pro 64bits and all the necessary Drivers (Chipset, Audio, Graphic card... etc... etc...)
2) Then I installed TeknoParrot v1.0.0.140 on my C: drive and updated it to the last version
3) Then I installed
DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)
Link here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109
DirectX SDK (June 2010)
Link here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=6812
Visual-C-Runtimes-All-in-One-Oct-2018 (Recommended to install and Very important if you have the error: "Unimplemented Sound Emulation API")
Found the info on TeknoParrot WebSite: https://teknogods.github.io/ on the compatibility menu at the end of the page:
Setup - TeknoParrot - Extra Recommended Steps:
It's a good idea to install DirectX 9 runtimes.
Link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109
It's a good idea to install Visual C++ runtimes, an easy pack to install all
Link: https://www.techpowerup.com/download/visual-c-redistributable-runtime-package-all-in-one/
4) I Created a directory called "Games\Sega_Lindbergh" on my D: drive (d:\Games\Sega_Lindbergh) where i put all my Lindbergh games
d:\GAMES\Sega_Lindbergh\etc etc
5) I downloaded Outrun 2 SP SDX (Sega Lingbergh Yellow) from Emuline and all the patches/Fixes
6) Extracted OR2.7z with 7zip to d:\GAMES\Sega_Lindbergh\OR2\
7) Extracted "outrun2_nv_shaderfix_Jennifer"to a temp dir on c:
It will look like this: "c:\Temp\outrun2_nv_shaderfix_Jennifer\Jennifer\shader\fs\"
Then I copied all the files from "fs" directory on drive C to: d:\GAMES\Sega_Lindbergh\OR2\disk0\Jennifer\shader\fs\
I always use Total Commander to copy files bacause it have two parrallel windows and its a very good tool to copy, move and replace files.
Total Commander Website: https://www.ghisler.com/
Download Section: https://www.ghisler.com/download.htm
8) I extracted OR2SPDLXResolutionPatcher.rar to d:\GAMES\Sega_Lindbergh\OR2\disk0\Jennifer and executed the file: OR2SPDLXResolutionPatcher.exe to choose my resolution.
Then I patched the file jennifer on d:\GAMES\Sega_Lindbergh\OR2\disk0\Jennifer\ with the resolution 1920x1080. A file named "Jennifer_patched" was created.
The file has no extension but its the executable one.
9) Then I run TeknoParrotUi.exe.
If you receive any popups to that updates are available, go ahead and click Update on each.
10) At the top left of the window, I clicked the hamburger icon, and choosed Settings.
11) On the settings you can setup your wheel axis settings or Gamepad (I use a Wireless Xbox 360 Gamepad) then I Clicked Save settings, and then Back.
12) I Clicked the Hamburger menu again, and clicked Add Game.
I Choosed OutRun 2 game from the list and clicked ADD GAME.
With the game selected from the Home menu, I clicked GAME SETTINGS.
13) I Clicked the Game Location box to choose where the appropriate game executable is. Then I selected the file: Jennifer_Patched on the following directory: d:\GAMES\Sega_Lindbergh\OR2\disk0\Jennifer\
14) Setup other options to your liking and click Save settings, then Back. Generally for an Xbox controller you want to select XInput, and everything else leave un-checked.
15) Finally, click CONTROLLER SETUP. Click on each space for each button you want to set, then press the button you want on your controller. When finished, click Save settings, then Back.
Its Done. Now you only have to launch the game.
Note: If you have a different directory structure you need to adapt my guide to your files locations.