So here's the troubleshooting steps I went through to get KFC-2021083100 base build working today: 'soundvoltex.dll' couldn't be loaded
Two things needed for me to fix this:
On a non-NVIDIA system, so needed to download nvcuda.dll/nnvcuvid.dll and place them in the same folder as soundvoltex.dll
First Google results ( worked fine, just make sure you're downloading .zip files and not .exe files...
Also needed to enable the 'DirectX 9 on 12' (-9on12) option within SpiceConfig
Alternatively, the x64 version of d3d9.dll from the "neun-auf-zwoelf" package can go in the same folder as soundvoltex.dll
Crash after machine initialization - W:signal: exception raised: EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO
Either of these fixed it:
Enabling 'SDVX Disable Cameras' (-sdvxdisablecams) in SpiceConfig
Changing machine to a VALKYRIE model in /prop/ea3-config.xml, for some reason:
<spec __type="str">G</spec> <!-- was F -->
Changing to English Language
Took a while to find, so posting here too, again a change in /prop/ea3-config.xml:
<dest __type="str">A</dest> <!-- was J -->
Here's my remaining issues, before I start trying the upgrade/update process:
Better full screen view:
'Windowed Mode' (-w) works okay for showing the single screen in a window, but not sure how to adapt this to a better view
'Fullscreen Mode' shows two windowed views for each screen, but neither are rendering properly (main screen only refreshes vbuf when minimized, second screen stays white)
Middle column of keypad inputs (0, 00, 2, 5, 8 ) aren't working, either on bound keys or SpiceTools virtual keypad
Anyone got any solutions?