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Community Answers

  1. What type of archives, file extensions ? R01, R02 and such ? Just double click R01 and the rest of the files will automatically extract with it. 7zip is a good extractor.
  2. Probably arcade closing times in settings. Afaik between midnight and 9 AM Japanese time no play. Change local windows time ?
  3. S is what function ? Afaik one has to add credits or tokens, or something like that to get passed bosses.
  4. You don't, check Windows audio output settings.
  5. Probably moddified Windows PC version
  6. Try onboard audio at 44.1 or 48 KHz, no external DAC.
  7. Zen_B7

    IGS Arcade Dumps (Uncracked)

  8. Not public ? How come I have it working here, downloaded from a public place ? You just have to search better, take your time, eventually you will succeed. But keep waiting all you want for a (already available) public loader (SEGAtools) with a public server (work in progress), but don't hold your breath.
  9. Really ? SegaTools is the public loader. Server is down, so no go for game. No server, no game to play !
  10. Well, there are many segatool forks. (private builds, WIP) Ask, cry at him for his "hoarded stuff".
  11. Afaik original save cards had to be exchanged after 60 saves.
  12. WTF are you mumbling about ? Game is public. Server is WIP.
  13. Invite only (no I can not invite), also needs phone verification. 😑
  14. 🤨 How to setup GTLive2006 for TP (v4 2024-08-08).pdf
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