hello great new thank you!!😙, I tested, I have the P2 for calibration,
how to assign the start of the P2 in my ahk (to validate the calibration) please, if someone wants to help me :)
thank you, I tried with the chd and decompress zip folder, then I added the chd in the folder. I always have the same message, surely the zip and chd badly placed?
hello, thank you for your return, I thought I had done that ^^, I recovered the original chds on archive.org then step 1 and step2. the original rom is not the archiv.org one?
hi , moi c'est yoleouff / yoh (yohan) du nord de France , 39 ans piquer par les consoles et arcade depuis l'enfance ^^ , aujourd’hui mordu d'arcade et de rail-shooter 😄 , merci a vous pour ce merveilleux forum 😄
hello ,
I made a cool bezel, which I would like to share. thank you Argonlefou for his work to all realize .https://www.mediafire.com/view/mr4egk0x1nbwaqj/HOD3_bezel-yoleouff.png/file