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  1. For the record. I'm not trying to stream the game. It is just a feature I was just curious about.
  2. Hi, is there a way to hide the nationwide and location score at the final screen when finishing a song? I've seen some streaming videos where it's not shown and would like to replicate it
  3. Thanks for explaining! Yea, I think SSQ Offset is what I was looking for. I actually had to increase it, and it feels much better now. I have a home setup so I was trying to replicate that arcade timing.
  4. Hello, I hope this is the right place to ask this. So I have my home setup but something I noticed is that the timing compared to the arcades are a bit earlier. Could someone explain what each of these options do? Are those units in ms? Basically what I want to do is to delay the timing of the steps just a bit more. Thanks!
  5. I've used this website to patch my dll ... How could I make it work?
  6. Hi, I recently downloaded spice2x and tried this to use Valkyrie mode as well. Something I noticed is that gameplay is not as smooth as it was before using the new spice2x. It's kinda jittery, not to an unplayable level, but it is certainly not like it was before. Do you know why this could be the case and/or why is it happening? NOTE: I should add that my monitor is 60Hz. Not sure if this can be a problem
  7. I have the issue where as soon as I launch start.bat it closes automatically. I'm not quite sure I understand your way to troubleshooting it. I did find the folder AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311 and copied MB inside and relaunched start.bat which installed the venv folder, however as soon as it's done installing it it closes automatically and if I try to relaunch it, it loads an initial message saying The syntax of the command is incorrect. '.venv\Scripts\activate.bat' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Loads the venv and closes again. Is there something I'm missing?
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