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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. Who is RRZ? all I can see you got no answer well pretty predictable i’d say I’m happy tp is successful you know why? because they always deliver
  2. The one thing that stopped them from being a real competition to tp is the fact they usually don’t support publicly anything before tp and nowadays as i wrote almost nothing however i do hope to see more jconfig releases soon
  3. its sad seeing almost zero releases for jconfig always saw it as a great alternative for tp
  4. So it ain’t stuck no more on attract? good to know hope you could upload the fixed one as well at some point thanks
  5. saw booms wrote on tp discord they ain't working on it
  6. It can but patreon only
  7. Tried to send you a dm but it’s impossible can you delete some old messages so it would?
  8. are you guys going to release jconfig for exvs2 with offline saving?
  9. Thanks for the info try asking for the support of all 3 gss games on tp discord as well it might help speed things up
  10. Is it a different version from the one you already uploaded on jconfig thread?
  11. Just recently they’ve released jconfig for the newer versions of fnf that not supported by tp so I believe they can for other games as well assuming by now they probably have a few working games with jconfig that tp not supporting
  12. Did you guys succeeded to make the public dumps of after dark,night hunter,jetpack joyride work with jconfig? also when are you guys gonna release jconfig for street fighter v new version?
  13. Fresh


    Can you upload it again? T.Y
  14. If anyone here got the time and can make english patches for idz ver 2.30,swdc ver 2.30 that are both supported by tp and the soon hopefully supported idta ver 1.30 it would be awesome TIA
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