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lezzi87 a gagné pour la dernière fois le 21 août

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Enthusiast (6/14)

  • One Year In
  • Collaborator Rare
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  • Reacting Well Rare
  • First Post Rare

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. How do you put the game in full screen?
  2. 1st: I have Win 10. 2nd: I tried, still get the same error message. 3rd: I did it, still get the same error message. 4th: Tried native and still get the same error message. 5ve : Nothing changed
  3. Doesn't work for me, even with the "fix"
  4. What is the proper key binding for Zoids Infinity? Is a twin stick game?
  5. Is it's possible to have a ready2play dump? When i try to launch the game it crashes. Thanks.
  6. Disney Crossyroad and Shooty Skies both crash for me on statup, i'am on win10. Is there a way to fix this?
  7. Use "Locale Emulator" and run the game in japanese.
  8. How to set this game in english?(Real Puncher 2) Also how to do a powerful punch? If i hold F5 the punch will be weaker, way weaker.
  9. S is Soak Test, also is the only way to start the game. But it doesn't work on bosses even if you insert coins with 1.
  10. How to continue in Drakons Realm Keepers when you reach a boss? S key seems to not works here.
  11. lezzi87

    Picmatic Marbella Vice

    I have no issues with the game at all, even if it's hard and the hitbox are crap. It's only the final (double) duel that seems impossible to win, if you shoot too fast, if you wait the proper timing, if you are slow, whatever you try, you always lose, invalidating the run (unable to continue hence bad ending).
  12. lezzi87

    Picmatic Marbella Vice

    How do win the final duel in Los justicieros? Seems impossible to beat no metter the timing and you cannot continue (pretty brutal).
  13. lezzi87

    Bug Busters (PC-Arcade)

    The game doesn't work for me, after i double click the .exe, i get a black screen and then a crash. How i can fix this issue?
  14. lezzi87

    Picmatic Marbella Vice

    Thanks every works great now. What's the best mouse configuration for Fast Draw Shodown in horizontal?
  15. lezzi87

    Picmatic Marbella Vice

    Same for me, the left mouse click makes the screen flash but does not fire the gun, this is both in the game and in the test menu.
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