Hello, I found that some people said their RDT have some lyrics unsync problems.
Same problems here, but not about the chart lag issue.
My problem is about vocal line in bgm always getting a little slower than the instrumental bgm when I playing vocal songs, such as 華爛漫(Hana ranman), 朧(Oboro), chrono diver -fragment-, etc.
And then I noticed that some songs without vocal also have same unsync problem in drum beats and synth, such as 灼熱Beach Side Bunny and 卑弥呼(Himiko).
I try to press start button and just listen up bgm without key sounds, it still reproduced every time.
Log doesn't show any related error message on it.
I tried to read past discussions but I can't find any solution about this case.
How can I solve this problem?
Sorry for my bad English.
Thank you.