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  1. Hi guys, is there any detailed step by step instructions for mai2 universe or perhaps universe plus setup? Is the download link to the files found on page 2 or under the solutions tab for this topic? Thanks
  2. put both files event00000014 and asan'ascn'frankenstein-sun-skill under bin - data - A000 - event for event and the skill under the same folder A000 - skill
  3. where do you put the folder event00000014 and skill to? is it under folder A000?
  4. Is there a link to sun option file that is playable for the new plus? I know that some of the songs here are available on some option file link.
  5. Try putting all files on drive C..this was my problem the first time installing Chunithm where I got UnitIndex out of range. I think the in-depth tutorial was mention that putting on Drive letter C solve some of the problem. Try this and let us know the outcome of it.
  6. Nice..will add you on discord. Ok..thats quite weird. have you tried to fresh install new plus?
  7. What are the changes that need to be made on certain files for cab-to-cab to available? Thanks
  8. Version 6R if its available
  9. Hi guys, is there any tutorial page or video that i can follow to install WMMT? Thanks
  10. I didnt change any ,json file. Just the necessary steps thats from the tutorial. I came across unitindex out of range but managed to solved it while others don't. After that is done, all run perfectly except for the LED issue. In regards to the LED issue turns out as sebas mention its the usb 3.0 connector, once it is plug into usb 2.0, LED works well.
  11. Thanks for the info. Will try to plug to USB 2.0. Ok thats weird. Have you try set both fps120 and cvt mode to 1?
  12. have you set the 120fps to 1 while cvt mode to 0? if you already set it up like that, the game should run at 120fps. My only problem right now is the led on the first 4-5 pads that like glitching (since the tasoller is on version 2.0 touch firmware while i guess the guide works with version 1.0 touch firmware probably). Its a bummer but at least i can leave it as it is.
  13. Is the tasoller using OFW or CFW? If using OFW, LEDs regardless will be off. If you are using CFW, just follow the steps on page 30-31, LEDs will be on but only first 4-5 pads that has different lighting compare to others/ I recently bought the tasoller which by default having the version 2.0 touch firmware and while following the guide (Without using CFW), LEDs doesnt is not on. (Ive also ask about this on page 31). But if using CFW, LEDs does light up with minor defect (there is also other user who also has the same exact result). Hope that helps
  14. yeah all data cable is connected properly. It think its probably because of the zadig program or some sort It only cause the first 4-5 pads to have different array of led colour while others are normal (for example when its on the main splash screen, the pad display pink colour). Atleast for me it ok but kind of a bummer when the led does not sync well (in compare to using OFW where there are not pad led at all ) havent tried converting back to OFW and just using zadig program, since i think that the host and led software is already in version 2.0 / 2.1 (just for information those using OFW, there is not need to burn in touch pad firmware 2.0 since it is already in 2.0, just need to step 3 or 4 (host firmware and led) Does the instructions also works for chunithm paradise lost as well in terms of using tasoller?
  15. Im not sure if it is possible. im running 2560 x1440 monitor while having the windowed and frame setting enable, im able to run the progam windowed and frame but at a smaller screen..its still playable though. Im not sure about this, my error is the one that juliancanfly encounter but I managed to solve it. No idea about sharedmemory.cpp error.
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