Hello, I've been having the issues of errors 8304 and 6503
i've tried all sorts of solutions people have said to fix these for a couple days now, but none of them have done anything
i've tried the minime hotfix, putting in a aime.txt file, disabling my dvd drive
only thing i've seen and haven't tried is checking if another program is using my ip address or whatever, only haven't tried that because i haven't been able to find how to check even tho i remember seeing it somewhere
i got the game files from a different download, a mega link, so maybe that's part of the problem?
because like Karanoch here with the exact same problem, i haven't been able to download it from the drive link, tried multiple times
EDIT: was able to finally get it downloaded, seems random on if the download works or not,
i still the same errors, but i get error 8008 sometimes now