Yo I'm stuck here trying to launch with the 1018 update.
I am able to play before with the 0712 update, but after the update, none of the fixes I've tried worked.
After adding the 1018 update to my 0712 folder, here's what I've tried:
- Insert the Asphyxia plugin hotfix
- Patch the DLL
- Start without Asphyxia and use -ea mode
- Use Spicetools version 10-21-2022
- Made changes in ea3-config.xml
[ <model __type="str">KFC</model>
<dest __type="str">U</dest>
<spec __type="str">G</spec>
<rev __type="str">A</rev>
<ext __type="str">2022101800</ext>] (I use U region because I am from USA)
- Running the game in windowed
Is there anything else I should try? Or is there a fix for all this?
I still have my backup of 0712 so I am able to still play, just outdated
log.txt soundvoltex.dll