Follow this guide for segatools setup, its the same for both sun and new.
u might need to put in the keyboard controls at the bottom of segatools since u dont have a tasoller
the files i gave u were the ones im currently using without problems, so if u have any issues when i dont have them, chances are that ur configuration having problems and not my files.
Just copy the path locations using windoes explorer and dont type them becuz chances are u gonna type them wrong, and obviously we have different usernames for our pcs and therefore the user directory are gonna be different.
but im assuming that ur file paths are correct becuz u can launch the game into the error, so (i guess) the error becomes the board input emulation, that segatools didnt provide anything for that.
somehow unrelated however, but also try delete the machine id under the dnv section since its my copy registering to the aqua network, and it might not accept access from machines other than my pc (really random guess but give a try)
but if it still crashes after that, then idrk wt the problem is. Maybe clear some disk space or ram before running maybe? Like, after sending the files to my fd he can run the game properly so the files must be fine.