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  1. Have tried again still the same issue, controller works in all the other games even tried 2 othe MK games same issues, even as you said deleted on TP and reinstalled.
  2. I can set the xbox controller up I the menu assigning the buttons and axis all is seen, and teknoparrot is run in admin as the game.
  3. I have already configured a controller still coming up with the same NG.
  4. Hi When booting the game at the test screen I get an io error NG what does this mean please and what do I need to do to get past it. Thanks
  5. ste

    Alien Armageddon

    I can't get the game to git on the screen 2 sides are still off screen.
  6. ste

    Alien Armageddon

    This is my settings, and image of game playing.
  7. ste

    Alien Armageddon

    Hi When the game boots I only get it showing on 3/4 of my screen I have it in windowed, if i remove the tick and play without window mode in teknoparrot it fits the screen perfectly but the controls dont work, what do I need to do please.
  8. ste

    Graphics Card

    Thanks for replying.
  9. ste

    Graphics Card

    Thankyou, I. Am new to this,so just wanted to confirm what would work.
  10. ste

    Graphics Card

    Would this one would run both games. Thanks Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 6Gb GDDR5X
  11. ste

    Graphics Card

    Would this one would run both games. Thanks Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 6Gb GDDR5X
  12. ste

    Graphics Card

    Hi what grsphic card to play Rambo and Terminator Please, as I am looking to upgrade. Thanks
  13. ste


    What graphics card will run Rambo please
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