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Tout ce qui a été posté par monsty

  1. We can't transfer our savedata from Epolis to Pinky crush? I thought maybe they fixed this?
  2. Having two problems. First, when I play the game while the desktop resolution is set to 4k, there won't be in game audio. If I alt tab back to desktop then the audio will work. But it will again stop working if I focus on spice2x. If I change the desktop resolution to 1080p before booting spice then the problem is non existent. I can deal with that if it's just how it's supposed to work but I was just curious if anybody has run into this and if there is a fix for it. Second, and more important issue to me, is that a few songs appear to crash the game. I'm guessing that I'm missing certain song files or they're corrupt but I just don't know enough about it. I used the 31 Epolis "complete" files that are on 1cc and the omnimix pack that was recommended for them. I'm attaching my log. 31c4k.txt
  3. Yeah. This is the next thing I'm trying to figure out. I thought you had to piece together a bunch of Omnimix updates to get a complete track list but the latest one you're referring to is only about 600MB whereas my previous packs of Omnimix are over 26GB. Does this "LDJ-2024082600 omnimix final version" over on the 1cc discord actually bring us completely up to date (All Epolis + All previous Omnimix data up to 2024082600)? Long story short: If I need a fully updated Omnimix pack, I can't find one in the 1cc discord.
  4. Thanks for this! Have you tried this data? Is it everything that's been released up to this version? I haven't been keeping up with the latest epolis updates and I'd rather just start over with a complete, fully updated install than try to piece together a bunch of disparate sources.
  5. Yes, thank you for working on that guide. It was a big help.
  6. Did you get everything working now with the LDJ-012-2023120600_CLEANED_UP.7z pack? What version was your install on at the point where you copy over 20231206? I'm at 20231018.
  7. Yes! I know it's only a day old but I'll put the question out there for people to eventually get to. (Besides, I don't know how long people on 1CC have had them.) Anybody tried the files yet and did you have success? Also, the patcher at is missing the omnimix patch for the new 2023-12-06 dll. Do we know yet if a hex edit to unlock omnimix is possible? As always, thank you!
  8. Do the "Performance" options in the Advanced tab in spice2x config do anything? Particularly, has anybody gotten any benefit from changing the "Process Priority" setting to something above the normal or default setting? I've now gotten my install to where I only get a temporary desync maybe once in an hour or two of prolonged play time but anything that could help reduce that even more would be good. To clear up any confusion, I've already done everything listed in the guides and am happy with my current performance, just would like to know if anybody has any real knowledge about this specific setting. Also, I'm running EPOLIS in TDJ mode and have omnimix working but the boot screen still shows LDJ in front of the version number and there is no X shown in the version number like there typically is when omnimix is enabled. If it doesn't really matter then that's fine. Just curious.
  9. Thank you for taking the time to answer. It's appreciated. In regards to there possibly being bad, missing, or corrupt files, is my only option to start over from scratch with something like the complete EPOLIS data that went up recently or is there maybe a way to find out which files might be the problem? If the problem is say I missed an omnimix pack somewhere along the line would I be able to just grab the omnimix updates I think I'm missing by seeing which pack the missing song is from and just copying that one over, out of sequence? Just trying to avoid downloading over 100GB of new EPOLIS data if it's at all possible. About the desync issue, I mentioned I followed that guide and am still having the problem though it's probably about once every 10 songs. Not the worst I've seen but my RESIDENT install was rock solid for multi hour play sessions, even after multiple gpu driver updates. So I guess what I'm really curious about is whether anybody else has noticed this with EPOLIS specifically. If someone else has shared my experience of the occasional desync after upgrading from 30 to 31. I'm using the latest spicex, asphyxiacore, and asphyxia iidx plugin for EPOLIS. Everything from the guides.
  10. That's ignoring my question. I said that even if you bypass the browser guard it still doesn't work. I got it to work using Edge instead of Firefox but even Edge said it was suspicious. So the question is why is this happening now when it never did in the past? Do we know why we should be confident that it's safe to use? This forum is the only real resource there is so I don't think it's an unreasonable question. On the subject of troubleshooting 31, I got it running mostly solid but I ran into a couple problems I noticed. There was at least one song, can't remember which one but it was labeled with (old version) just below the same song. The song without the old version label worked fine but the old version one would kick you right back out to the song selection screen. The other problem I had was that sometimes, but rarely, the syncing issue would happen. I've using all the settings I was using with RESIDENT and Bistrover (spice, patcher, and nvidia settings) that had me running 100% solid. I've followed the guides. For me though I do need to turn on the low latency mode in nvidia control panel because if I don't the audio stutters. I'm using ASIO because if I don't my latency is too high. Any ideas?
  11. What's up with the EPOLIS dll patcher? won't let me save the patched dll file. I've never run into this with any of the previous patchers. It gets blocked by malwarebytes browser guard and even if you tell it to proceed it still won't save. Gives a "We can’t connect to the server at undefined" error.
  12. I think I've got everything I need to start updating from 2023040400 to 2023101800 with omnimix but I've run into one potential problem. How do I know if I've got all the omni data I need before applying v13 and v14? The most recent omnimix update I added to my 2023040400 install is from a file labeled "Resident_omni_20230404.7z" (that I got from here) which includes a txt file labeled "Read me when you got a new version of omni.txt" with the contents that say it's "Omnimix for Resident v8". Is there a v9-v12 that I'm missing? Is it a mistake? I don't see anything in the rentry guide mentioning anything other than omni v13 and v14 for Resident.
  13. Sorry but I'm still a little unclear. I'm on 20230404 with omni and looking to update to the latest EPOLIS. Was this 2023090500 omni data incomplete? Where it says no keysounds makes it sound like it's a kind of temporary version of the songs data. I don't want to have to download the entire 100gb of EPOLIS data but would like to get all the omni data I'm missing but not if it's incomplete songs. I've been successfully playing using the installs in this thread for a year or so but maybe I've been confused about how these updates actually work/are delivered. I've never run into a song in game that seemed to be missing keysounds. Also how do I tell what version of omnimix I have? I'm seeing the recent ones listed as v13 and v14 but I don't think any of the others I've installed have had version numbers shown anywhere.
  14. Is the EPOLIS download link on front page (this one: "" ) everything you would need to "update" the latest RESIDENT version? What I mean is, if we copy that over our 30th install do we have all of the EPOLIS tracks or is it only some of them? I thought what I saw previously was only a selection of a few songs from EPOLIS so that's why I'm curious about this one.
  15. I'm not sure what I'm looking at. Is the mini version for people who already have 20230404 omnimix? And it's note charts and background music only? EDIT because double posted
  16. I think you made a typo on that updated entry. It mentions that bm2dx.dll should be in the "prop" folder but I think you meant "modules". As always, thank you for this incredible guide.
  17. Is there a significant difference between the 1.4.3 plugin and the 1.4.3a3 plugin? The files for 1.4.3a3 have dates that are more recent but the most recent update to the install guide links to 1.4.3. (Is that Funrto's guide? Thank you for the excellent guide)
  18. monsty

    Here comes a new challenger

    Really glad the forums came back. This is the only place I know that has this kind of arcade game knowledge. I found out about the site a few months ago when looking into Beatmania IIDX but I've been into arcades/videogames for my entire life. I love that this site is visited by people from all over the world and that everyone tries to help each other despite a language barrier.
  19. Is this crash only happening when using TDJ mode? I copied over omnimix and enabled it in patcher and didn't have any crashes after testing a few songs (omnimix and non omnimix) but I am using LDJ. Also is the crash happening every time an omnimix song is loaded? I'm wondering if after a longer play session I'll start to get crashes or if using LDJ will keep it from happening. I suspect there may be corrupt or missing data related to this song in particular. I haven't tried to play it yet but I did get an error in the spicetools console referring to this song. My game ran fine including all the other omnimix songs I tried. EDIT: I included screenshots of the error in the console pertaining to this problem. The song was still playable without problem, though.
  20. How does this link work? It asks me to log in with a Microsoft account and then tells me I don't have access? Edit: error message is " We're sorry, but [mymicrosoftaccount] can't be found in the directory. Please try again later, while we try to automatically fix this for you.
  21. spicecfg.exe is being detected as malware. Should we expect an official fork to eventually be released? None of the other versions I have make my antivirus software freak out.
  22. the patcher for RESIDENT is now listing 2022-12-08 as a supported version. Where are people getting that data?
  23. I am referring to the heart button not working.
  24. Huh. The RESIDENT patcher at is gone?
  25. Thank you everyone who helps get these working. I haven't been around long enough to know how the development of an omnimix plays out. The omnimix checkbox in the 20221019 patcher would just make the game shut down during load. I've seen this before so I just played without the omnimix patch applied. The 20221031 patcher has the omnimix check box removed. Do we expect that someone will create a working omnimix pack and patch for 30? Being able to completely migrate from my 28+Omni install would be convenient. Loving the FHD of 30. Has anyone else noticed a bug in 30 where all the difficulty choices in song select stay lit until you cycle through them? You can still see what you have selected because of the numbers next to the song titles so it's definitely not a serious bug for me. Edit: Has anyone gotten asio working with 30? spicetools isn't even attempting to load it even with the correct settings.
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