Guys, I cannot run the Valkyrie model successfully. Is there anyway I can get some help on this?
I have tried the following:
Enable Valkyrie Model via Modder website
Change <spec __type="str">F</spec> to <spec __type="str">G</spec> or <spec __type="str">H</spec> in the ea3-config.xml file
Make sure my adaptors have higher refresh rate than 120Hz via Display settings.
Here is a snippet of the error message:
[2022/09/06 11:04:12] M:graphics::d3d9: IDirect3D9::GetDeviceCaps hook hit
[2022/09/06 10:04:12] I:InitD3D: NumberOfAdaptersInGroup=4
[2022/09/06 11:04:12] M:graphics: CreateWindowExA hook hit (0x00040000, 0xc3d0, SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR - Main Screen, 0x80cb0000, 0, 0, 1080, 1920, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
[2022/09/06 11:04:12] M:graphics: CreateWindowExW hook hit (0, 0x7ffdeee10bc0, CicMarshalWnd, 88000000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xfffffffffffffffd, 0x0, 0x7ffdeed30000, 0x0)
[2022/09/06 10:04:12] M:sntp: write skip. -12,-193, differ=15000
[2022/09/06 11:04:12] M:graphics: CreateWindowExA hook hit (0x00040000, 0xc3b7, SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR - Sub Screen, 0x80cb0000, 1080, 0, 1920, 1080, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
[2022/09/06 10:04:12] W:App: Main display not supported TARGET FRAMERATE.
[2022/09/06 10:04:12] W:App: Using D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_IMMEDIATE.
[2022/09/06 10:04:12] I:InitD3D: CreateDeviceEx D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING
[2022/09/06 11:04:12] M:graphics::d3d9: IDirect3D9Ex::CreateDeviceEx hook hit
[2022/09/06 11:04:12] W:graphics::d3d9: CreateDeviceEx failed, hr=0x8876086c
[2022/09/06 10:04:12] W:InitD3D: CreateDevice failed
[2022/09/06 10:04:12] W:APP: Failed to initialize Direct 3D.
[2022/09/06 10:04:12] F:APP: Failed to initialize application.
[2022/09/06 11:04:12] W:signal: exception raised: Unknown(0x109fa7a1)
Here is my detailed setup if it helps:
Game Version: 2021-08-31 with asphyxia from nyaa
GPU: 1080TI
Monitor: Adaptor 1: 120Hz, DP; Adaptor 2: 144Hz, DP; Adaptor 3: 165Hz, DP; Adaptor 4: 60Hz, HDMI
Modder: Disable power change/Disable monitor change/Valkyrie Model Support/120Hz Support/Shared mode WASAPI
Attached is my complete logs.txt
Appreciate your helps!