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Tout ce qui a été posté par ovv22
there might be error logs when you run asphyxia in dev mode which could be helpful, but you need a little more setting up. install npm make sure you have these files (found in the asphyxia core zip archive) in your plugins folder: asphyxia-core.d.ts package.json tsconfig.json open terminal and cd to plugins folder run "npm install" run asphyxia in dev mode (run via terminal and add the flag "--dev") you may see errors from other game plugins but you should see more sdvx logs in the console if everything goes well.
would you guys like to have customizable event toggles? i could definitely cook up something like that, just let me know which events would you like to toggle on/off yourself. completely unrelated, but i personally just gave up on trying to run 120, it just wouldn't lol. thankfully there's a valkyrie 60fps patch now
1. do you have 'unlock all songs' disabled? if yes, does enabling it fix the problem? if so, you might need to update your webui assets (never forget to do this for every game update, plugin update, or just a fresh asphyxia setup)
seems like a client issue, i don't think i could help you with this. maybe someone else will. but if you haven't yet, maybe you could try setting up your client from scratch (20210831 from nyaa then update to 20231107) and check if that fixes your problem (and in case you have your asphyxia data in the same directory as the game, back them up)
do you have the BIO2 patch enabled? the patcher seems to have an issue with that.
have you run "npm install" in the plugins directory? you should see a "node_modules" folder alongside the other plugin folders
231107 'support' https://github.com/22vv0/asphyxia_plugins/releases/tag/fork- update your assets. one way to do it is: in your terminal/command prompt, run asphyxia core and add '--dev' at the end. the logs should appear on the console. also you might need npm installed to download node packages: https://github.com/22vv0/asphyxia_plugins#how-do-i-make-plugins
asphyxia logs might be more helpful in this case. start dev mode for logs. if no errors, then it's likely something else in your client is having an issue. but also before that, try saving plugin settings once.
you might have not specified your sdvx data dir yet, or it's not configured properly. look for that option in the settings. it's the directory where the "data" folder is located. in your case, i assume it's in E:\Games\SDVX-EG\KFC-2023102400\contents.
they're pulled from the game files via the "update webui assets" page in the plugin.
updating the asphyxia core should fix the webuisend problem. having the latest plugins/asphyxia-core.d.ts (included in asphyxia core zip) should fix that in dev mode as well.
new plugin update just webui stuff for now. - display skill frame and currently set skill title - display arena rank (in image form this time) - extract textures from ifs files (thanks ifstools) Download: github release always update webui assets, especially with this one because the skill frames/arena rank will not display properly if you don't. but please always update them regardless, lol
i don't think they are in the 231024 update, sadly
i didn't even notice they're in the data. yea that's weird that they included them so early. well anyway they don't want us playing with them yet so they didn't include them in the music db. we'll probably get them in a future update, or you can just manually edit them in
enable dev mode and see if there are error logs.
Plugin update: https://github.com/22vv0/asphyxia_plugins/releases/tag/fork- - 2023102400 support - Premium Generator (fubuki set) - Ranked Megamix implementation (season 11) - Arena station 11 - Arena stats on profile detail page updated (arena rank, rank points, ultimate rate, arena power, [new] megamix rate) - New achievements list page (filter complete/incomplete/all achievements) - still kinda wip but it works - Set how much Valgene Ticket you have (idk why but now you can lol) - Change Skill Title on the customization page. - Under the hood stuff update your assets first. let me know if you're having issues, or if there's something i missed! edit: i have updated this release multiple times in the first hour of publishing this so if you have downloaded it as soon as i posted, please re-download it. edit 2: also, to whoever added *that* video to the submonitor_bg folder on the data update file, i hope you stub your toe everyday for the rest of your life (affectionately)
cool! i was hoping i would be able to finish the stuff i'm currently doing before something leaks but i guess i'm too late. i feel like there isn't much new features in this update but will still check and try to update plugin soon i believe not all music ids are used, that's why there are some ids being skipped like 2053-2057. maybe we'll get them in a future update.
i figured out another thing! idk if i'll implement this but i think it's cool. this is how players originally unlock the bpl team supporter banner but I already have them selectable anyway https://voltexes.com/bpl-pro-player-supporters-season-2/
oh yeah, there might be a need to re-save the sdvx webui config on the new update. i modified the arena season option so there could be issues there if not changed from previous update. but that's just a guess, i forgot to test it. sorry 😬 as for the japanese characters, it's text encoding accidentally changed. i will try to switch it back to what it was before. edit: oh. that's the content that was in the original repo when i forked it. i didn't bother to change it. i disable asphyxia info option personally lol
missing dependencies probably. if you have npm installed, try running "npm install" on the plugins folder. dev mode doesn't do much for the end user but it is very useful in reporting bugs.
you're getting a "not found" error it seems. is the plugin showing up in asphyxia? run asphyxia in dev mode and check if there are sdvx error logs there.
new plugin update: https://github.com/22vv0/asphyxia_plugins/releases/latest event updates (bpls2 stamp, etc.) webui updates (fx-r chat stamps, submonitor bg video) online matchmaking code (wip/doesn't work) ranked arena/single battle kinda useless now, since [i believe] it needs online matchmaking, which is (as i said) broken at the moment. highly, highly recommend updating webui assets after updating to this plugin. let me know how terrible i am at coding!
from remywiki: check the event page in webui.
you're referring to [chat] stamps, which is an entirely unrelated thing from the event stamps in my video. but how does one replicate this crash?
InShot_20231006_031229662.mp4 huge news for stamp enjoyers (just me) i can finally enable the suddendeath stamp event lmao. can't believe it took me this long