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  1. i could probably make that work. i'll see what i can do
  2. haven't gotten around to figuring out the appeal card frame yet. i'll take a look at it when i get time. arena rank can be modified by changing your rank point. if you don't mind manually changing it, you can do so via a query, or just change arena.rankPoint value in handlers/profiles.ts, in the load function.
  3. plugin update for 240220 - pregene okayu set - okayu songs added to licensed songs - slightly tweaked pregene odds - week 4 & 5 of new bpl songs added to events lmk of anything i missed, or any issues! (there always are smh) or feel free to open pull requests. update your assets.
  4. plugin update: added the new event data stuff from 0206 + minor fix to common.ts. isn't much of a difference to y'all who use "unlock all songs" by default.
  5. my theory is that the first 2 songs are hardcoded in the dll to not appear, and these two (1490, 1491) are server-side? [assuming they're never supposed to be playable] i'll leave them enabled, or at least put a toggle(?) if that's the case. that was quick.
  6. nice find. that's it. it's definitely related to automation paradise. the other one is ID 1438; another similar thing. automation paradise mode i believe is a VW exclusive mode, so, unused in EG. 1988 is the accurate total song count then.
  7. crap. circuit surfer and the other 2 songs don't show up bc they have ids over songNum (2100.) didn't know they do lol and idk why i said it's fine on my end, it wasn't. honest oversight, my bad 😅 so yeah, update your plugin here: or just manually update the songNum to 2200. have you been able to figure out what the missing 5 songs are? i'll try to look into them. edit: i guess the songs 2119, 2129, 2130 are included in the 5. i have 1988 after the fix, so there are 2 more missing. edit 2: both of them are from vivid wave. 283 in game vs 285 in db.
  8. i update this plugin without the mods stuff in mind, so i'm not aware of any potential side effects they cause; i don't think i could be helpful with this. as for me, i'm not seeing any problems with the new songs showing up (with unlock all enabled) also, for people who don't use "unlock all songs," there might be missing songs (especially licensed ones) that needs enabling to show up.
  9. plugin update: - valgene 13 - 12th anniv apcard stamp event - bpl s3 sdvx songs unlock toggle as always, update your assets, thx
  10. hi. minor plugin update: - Arena szn 12 added - Pregene Coconatsu set added (arcade data still missing submonitor bg files though, rip)
  11. anyone on 1219, what happens when you use submonitor bg ids 382 to 396?
  12. the 'clean' version still isn't clean. music_db file is modified and i believe the original files that were replaced by pr0n are not present (there's no submonitor_bg folder, etc.)
  13. seems that hiyuki summer has a PUR. you can unlock it via the [old] generator
  14. akasha ortlinde is not available as a nav (as of this update at least)
  15. the "Exceed Gear Data Directory" in the config should be the game directory where it checks/pulls the files. it's the folder where you see the "data" directory. in my case, it's the "C:\Games\SDVX6\contents" directory. from your error screenshot, you seem to have it set to "C:\SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR\KFC-2023042500\contents" but you said it's set to "C:\Users\<name>\OneDrive\Desktop\SDVX EXCEED GEAR\KFC-2023042500\contents\plugins\sdvx@asphyxia\handlers\webui." you might have changed it while trying to fix, but this is incorrect. perhaps your correct directory is "C:\Users\<name>\OneDrive\Desktop\SDVX EXCEED GEAR\KFC-2023042500\contents?" but i don't know your personal setup lol
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