I try to limit screen to 60hz (origin is 165hz),and judegement looks good ( JUSTICE is more than before and dont set offset to -2,0)
however, excluded playing chart, all of ui animation is become to slow.
I think it caused by my screen to limit 60hz in Windows setting, because I use another 60hz is good.
Do I need to buy a new 60hz screen for this game QQ
or somebody has solution for playing game in 120hz and no any judgement problem ?
oh yes, I'm Taiwanese. I can speak Chinese
我嘗試把螢幕固定 60hz (原先 165hz),看起來判定好多了 (JUSTICE 比以前變多了,也不需要調整 offset -2.0)
但是除了玩遊戲之外,所有的 UI 動畫都變得非常非常的慢
我想可能就是 Windows 設定 60hz 的問題,因為我拿其他 60hz 螢幕測試看起來一切正常,也不會有動畫慢的問題,
難道我就要買一台新的 60hz 螢幕專門玩這遊戲?
或是說有人有方法能夠用 120hz 玩這遊戲,而且沒有判定問題的?
I follow this guide to install this game.