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    i5-4690k, GTX 1060 SSC 6gb, 16gb RAM

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  1. The person who uploaded that pulled the link, but there's a re-up here: Thanks anon. Anybody who still needs it should grab it while it's still up.
  3. Why did you try to use Epolis omnimix on Pinky Crush? That doesn't work, lol.
  4. Not sure if these are useful or not but have seen them floating around. No idea how to use any of it but to be fair I haven't even really tried or looked into it so idk
  5. You're going to have to get your Resident updated to Final, which is 2023090500, before you can do that. Tracking down all the upgrades in the path to 0905 from where you're at might be a pain in the ass so I suggest you just download Resident Final full from here: Then you can apply Epolis initial (2023101800) over it from here: Next, apply 2023120600 from here: 2023120600 is the latest publicly available as far as I know. Asphyxia plugin for Epolis is attached.
  6. That patcher is no more. Elpis poofed. You can either manually hex edit your patches or I guess use this: or this
  7. Are you using WASAPI shared mode? I had better luck with 96000Hz. No sync issues.
  8. You're probably missing an omnimix
  9. thanks to Deny from 1cc
  10. Epolis omni Only patch data from Resident omni v14 Edit bm2dx.dll in HxD↓ 7947b6: 7f 19 → 90 90 B5CEE3:64 61 74 61 → 6F 6D 6E 69 AB2697: 61 → 6F thanks to @iamsub from 1cc if you don't want to hex edit then you can tick Omnimix in this patcher
  11. New Asphyxia plugin for 31. Tested and working
  12. I highly doubt that file is real considering all the shitposting and fakes that have been posted since release. Also that password doesn't even work (I just checked). Though as somebody else said, the size seems reasonable I guess considering Bistrover > CastHour upgrade was around 2gb. I'm still pretty sure this was just posted to troll people. Again.
  13. As far as I know it's an online update.
  14. Fantastic. Now if I could just remember how to install omnimix >.> I just replace music_omni.bin and drop the songs into data right? Edit: yup that worked đź‘Ť I think Ghost Pulse and TITANIUM RIDERS were my favorite to play out of the bunch with Submerge Serenade coming in third
  15. Not likely. I think there's is/was only cabs in one arcade in Japan. I guess if the data got dumped it would probably be in the 1cc discord although since the old one went down/went private/whatever happened I haven't been able to get back in (or find an invite link floating around).
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