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  1. Yes, I had to adjust timings for my computer in data/system.cfg , seems to be different for each computer? Maybe its preset specifically for the x4, idk. You have to make sure the resolution is 720 x 1280 and it's set in both jConfig and system.cfg. in JConfig you wanna uncheck the DirectSound Wrapper, at least for me the music sounded like poo with it on. Controller config can be complicated to get working, but keyboard was pretty good. I had to set my keys to (booster 1) P1 UP AL, (booster 2) P2 UP AL. Plugging in an xbox controller is a different story as the joystick seems to be all over the place and triggering multiple buttons at once in the game. I used the games service menu, 2nd option to test out controls and make sure all the buttons are being correctly pushed, will save you a bunch of headache. WindowMode = 1 WindowSize = (720, 1280) WindowResize = 1 IntervalMode = 1 GameTimeOffset = 12 <--- affects speed of levels, if it is going too slow, lower the number, if the level is going too fast, up the number. Mine set to 6 It does error out with a 302 error every now and then but I think it might be because I have multiple network adapters and it doesn't like that. Benami exe crack works on it but it didn't remove the countdown menu but it did unlock all the stuff and songs. I just wanna somehow get to the current version with what i've downloaded so far 😁 ( i have data cap... )
  2. GC4 EX Infinity - Hello, I downloaded but it seems to be missing update. The main multipart download is v 4.52. But the 2 included updates are v4.61 - 4.65 and v4.65 - 4.71 Do you happen to have the update 4.52-4.61? Thank you for download.
  3. EmiriiMei1

    Here comes a new challenger

    Hello everyone. Looking to help the community out with a few things. I hope to contribute.
  4. Hello, apologies if already asked. Is there any tutorial on how to dump X3 games, I am getting a few in. Firstly, would love to make backups of all of them, but one in particular hasn't had release is the Theatrhythm latest version. 1 - to make a backup and 2 - to make a translation patch, and 3 - have the game run unencrypted/locked on native hardware (x3 arcade in cabinet) I know how to unlock bios, I know how to make a copy of HDD after mobo unlocks the drive after boot up, but I also heard the game files are encrypted on a seperate partition? Been googling but no clear answer. Thank you.
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