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  1. I also find it really appalling and disgusting that we have community members defacing, tampering with and changing data where it's not clean and doesn't work properly anymore and we have to work hard to restore it back to normal working order and modify code to get it working again. Ya'll seriously really need to stop this nonsense and take this a bit more seriously. While some of you think it's funny to see shit like gangnam style and other messed up shit on data and messing with it so it doesn't work and ruining things for people, some of us want data distribution to be a smooth thing and to not be messed with. It seriously needs to stop. Just saying.
  2. Thanks for the responses and I apologize for lashing out like I did. I'm just frustrated with the gatekeeping is all. But yes everyone is right. best to wait for leaks.
  3. I understand that, but when you have people flaunting and posting pics of them playing newer data code nobody has and when asked to share it they say no, it sends a bad message, and what the heck is that kind of response "be patient and wait" wait for what exactly? This is silly. And now let me set the record straight for the people in the back. Konami doesn't care, they don't care about these little forums and discord servers giving out and leaking this stuff, that's been firmly established, and I hate the fact that we have gatekeepers in this community scared of the big bad Konami and brown nosing for them like little teachers pets when more than likely, nothing is gonna happen legally as per my first point about them not caring, so I don't see the point of said people gatekeeping newer data code. it doesn't affect Konami's bottom dollar at the end of the day because there's enough players going to arcades and grinding events, so I don't see the harm in them releasing things when they're out and ready to play and I'm sick and tired of it being policed. This is why I'm bothered by community members keeping stuff like this to themselves and never sharing till months later. And trust me, thousands of people in this community agree with me on these points, and the ones saying stuff like you just said are a small minority, and BTW you look ridiculous and hypocritical saying this because this is a site providing tons of arcade data and data dumps that shouldn't be publically available anyway! Make it make fucking sense! Gimme a damn break with this "shouldn't be publically available" crap dude LOL! And don't bring that up because there's nothing sows exclusive anymore in 2024 because people leak stuff from there constantly, which has been repeated numerous times. Sows is dead for all I care.
  4. Why is it not publically available here or on 1CC? Why can't people just release the updates when they're clearly out in the open and visible that they have them? The data community gatekeeping as usual "Oh I'm not gonna share this but I'm showing that I have it and it's on the DLL modder but I'm not gonna share till i feel like leaking it" 🙄 what else is new right? 🙄🙄🙄 This is infuriating.
  5. You're wrong about that. Resident Omnimix and under are on the 1CC discord server and always have been. There's no such thing as sows exclusive data anymore. if you really think there is, you haven't been paying attention. Anonymous users have been donating data to 1CC for a long time and continue to do so. So no, nothing is sows exclusive anymore. In fact I think the whole notion that sows gatekeeps anything is absurd. Why should a private torrent tracker have exclusive things? And the exclusivity thing is a lie anyway in 2023. And why should anyone hide anything? Konami don't care, they're not going after people for data releases in these places. Reality check. There's no reason to really hide it on sows anymore. As long as you don't stream anything anywhere publically or bring any of that kind of attention to it, I don't see the issue with just making things open here and on discord.
  6. Oh well thats cool then! I just saw him share that like 5 times back in 2020 and I was like wasn't posting it once enough? lol. No need to spam it 5 times lol. But yeah thanks for that, that's actually really cool.
  7. I realize that now and it won't let me delete it. Oops lol
  8. His names Chaggers, he's a bemani player from Turkey. He's never unlocking it. He left the servers and is never coming back. He was the first person who leaked Hou by Camellia on youtube and was asked to take it down because it wasn't fully out yet and refused to comply so Konami stepped in and took his channel down and out of sheer pettiness he closed his Bemani patcher and is never unlocking it. The dude is a petty douchebag from personal experience so don't count on him anymore for anything. There is a new permanent patcher tool up run by someone not fueled by a tantrum filled baby who didn't get his clout: BEMANI DLL Patching Tools
  9. Alright can you shut up now and stop spamming this stupid message please? For fuck sake dude shut up! lol
  10. There is a new patcher tool site now: BEMANI DLL Patching Tools Turkisgara is never doing patcher tools again and they're not opening that site publically again I believe. This is all we have left now. There is a Pop'n music discord that has current data and all working updates. Check here in the kos-links tab, everything you need to get Unilab and even omnimix working are here. Enjoy
  11. Yeah playing older styles is a real joy to play with hundreds of songs missing from the newer stuff. Doesn't make sense to me personally considering I play these games for content, and with all that content missing just to play an older mix's interface is a bit silly, but that's just me. It would be MUCH more joyful if I could play the current mix with all the newer mixes content but interchange through older versions interfaces with the touch of a button via a mod. Now THERE's a much better idea, but that doesn't work, so ehh.
  12. The BEMANI DLL Modding tools are back online!
  13. What is going on with the current DLL modder for Epolis? Autoplay and Omnimix are not selectable at the bottom still. Can anyone add them please? It would be appreciated greatly.
  14. Can you link me to that one? The one I'm using doesn't have those options.
  15. Can someone add Autoplay to the EPOLIS DLL Modder?
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