The dongles have been dumped,I have a couple of those and yes he's using linux but the emulator is called "Play" it's a ps2 emulator.
So basically he extracted the dongles files with(I believe)pcsx2 because those are very similiar to a ps2 memory card and with pcsx2 you can convert those files to a folder.
Inside these folders there is a ELF file(in the case of RIDGE RACER is called "START")but in order to actually boot the game you need the bios of the system which,again,it has been dumped and the iso of the game.(the iso generally contains only xxxx.bin files and they contain models,texture etc...everything that the game has but not an executable)
We basically have everything but since the system reads the disc and launches it with the ELF file from the dongle I don't know how you could start the game from only using the ELF.