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  1. Stop reuploading my shit
  2. Updated main for v1.02 release. Changes: Buttons can be bound for tt+ and tt- under IO binding. Compatible with all games. Stage lock patch for FNEX, FN and NT
  3. Hi all, I am the original author of the 2EZconfig I/O emulation tool made for the EZ2 series. This tool is not a crack and will not crack any of the games. I will not provide any assistance with that. I have been informed that a user is trying to sell this tool. Please let it be known: THIS TOOL IS PROVIDED FOR FREE FOR ANYONE TO USE. IF YOU HAVE PAID FOR THIS TOOL YOU HAVE BEEN SCAMMED. Please report any users who have sold or tried to sell you the tool. EZ2Config You can download the latest version here: Download (V1.02) Source code can be found here: Source (mirror) Features: Compatible with Win10 and WinXP IO Emulation, with keyboard and gamepad bindings. Button and Analog inputs only. Enable Debug/Keyboard input on NT (2.01), TT(v1.83), and FN (2.01) Debug keyboard input rebinding for EC, NT, TT(v1.83), and FN (Hack) Timer Freeze for some games (Hack) Keep game settings between credits for FN NO modifications to original files Setup: Copy zip contents into the game directory. Windows defender may trigger a false positive on the exe, so add it as an exception. Launch the 2EZconfig.exe and select the game version, set bindings in the buttons and analog tabs. If your game exe has a different name than the default, you can set an override name. Do not set this to the EZ2AC launcher exe's, it wont work. Press "Play EZ2" to launch the game. For the IO emu and Binding to work, you will need to launch through the configurator each time, If you wish to skip the configuration window in the future and boot directly into the game: 5. Create a shortcut with the launch parameter "-skipConfig", this is useful if you own and cab and want to launch directly into the game when windows boots 2ezconfig-1.03.rar
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