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Tout ce qui a été posté par A7785371

  1. Chunithm is very particular about it's audio output. If your 3.5mm is plugged into your motherboard directly try using front panel audio instead. With realtek audio chipsets I think it's trying to use some custom implementation for it's output channels.
  2. Are [fps120] enable=1 [cvtmode] enable=1 in segatools.ini?
  3. The game should still run at 120fps with the CVT patch. Don't think the 120fps key is needed in segatools.ini even but doesn't hurt to have.
  4. That all looks fine, I'd double check the chusan hook and inject files being used. It should have gotten updated from the CFW folder and front page download respectfully. You can also refer to my last two posts for a copy of the hook and inject files.
  5. Unless you patch your game with the patcher I posted above it will always say LED BAD. This is normal and can be continued with the next button with a working input. For a TASOLLER you should have the CFW from the 手台設定 folder, using the AMD host file if you have an AMD CPU. You mentioned using zadig; after you updated the firmware and used zadig when you go to Devices and Printers is there a I SAY NYA-O device? If you do have the device, does it have a yellow triangle? If it does then you have to use zadig to reinstall the driver. With the firmware setup you'll need to move the injects from the provided copy of sega tools, the hooks from the 手台設定 folder, and the DLLs for the TASOLLER IO itself. Then you'll need to configure the segatools.ini to use the new IO DLLs. I have provided a copy of the firmware (with zadig), my revision of the patcher, and a partial copy of my bin for just the relevant files. If you do override the segatools.ini you will need to configure the VFS and DNS keys again.
  6. Found a copy with the bytes patched. A pull request was submitted for If all goes well should be merged in the next day or so. In the meantime here is my local copy if you want to use it instead. NEW PLUS
  7. Seems that something is preventing the amdaemon.exe from starting. Maybe try hooks and injects?
  8. Everything looks correct there. The amdaemon.exe window is spawned before the main game but the default start.bat will kill it with the game so it might be getting closed then. You can remove the taskkill /f /im amdaemon.exe > nul 2>&1 line from start.bat to keep it open and check the output.
  9. Could you provide a copy of the segatools.ini when configured to use the TASOLLER? For that error the chusanApp.exe output isn't helpful, the output of the amdaemon.exe window would be best.
  10. The AIME.txt is read from dynamically once the game is opened so you could use an AHK script to change the value of the file then hold enter to read.
  11. If you bought your TASOLLER after May 28, 2021 it will already have the 2.0 firmware on the hardware otherwise it's definitely a thing to try especially if it's not responding with the corresponding 2.0 host firmware.
  12. Is the data cable connected directly to your motherboard during flashing and operation? Did you install the drivers from 手台設定 using zadig-2.7 and confirm the device in device manager no longer has a yellow triangle for driver issues? Have you checked the sensitivity to see if it's set too low to register input? If all above are good then try reflashing the original firmware from DJ-DAO (the HOST and LED files in "02 Update HOST and LED firmware") and seeing if it responds and provides keyboard output again.
  13. With the CFW for the lights and the USB host flashed the behavior should be as follows. Plugged in, game closed : rainbow LEDs on the ground slider that brighten when touched, IR towers illuminate when the sensor is tripped. Game launched : LEDs will all turn off in about the first 5 seconds from starting the game; once you get to the above screen you can tap the right area respective to the next to continue and control as normal. If the LEDs do not turn off on launch then the game isn't grabbing the handle to the hardware, likely issues with the input DLLs passed in the [newio86], [newio64], and [chuniio] keys. If the LEDs don't react to input in the rainbow state reflash the USB host and LED CFW from 手台設定\Firmware (using the custom USB host if you're using an AMD CPU).
  14. According to matching isn't supported with Aqua.
  15. There should be a total of three non-game windows spawned in normal operation. There's the Aqua window, the chusanapp.exe, and the amdaemon.exe. The window that says "Game processes have terminated" will be the host for the chusanapp.exe output and by default, the only remaining window spawned by start.bat when the game closes. This is due to the taskkill line in the start.bat. This causes the amdaemon.exe to be closed when the game is, so you may be only noticing one window if the game is closing quickly, or if you're only counting the windows after the close. With the provided start.bat I gave earlier it removes the taskkill line and thus there should be the two windows still after the game closes. If there is only one window then your amdaemon.exe isn't launching or is killing itself during run, both will definitely cause issues. If you wish you can always just run the 'inject_x64.exe -d -k chusanhook_x64.dll amdaemon.exe -f -c config_common.json -c config_server.json -c config_client.json -c config_sp.json -c config_cvt.json' line with CMD navigated to the bin folder and view the output. Otherwise if you are able to get the output of the amdaemon.exe window that will provide insight to the unitindex errors and ideally a solution.
  16. As far as I can tell since exclusive fullscreen passes the display handle to the process it will only work with the expected monitor of 1920x1080 @ 120hz. If you do want it to fill the screen you can set framed to 0 for a borderless fullscreen when the display is set to 1920x1080.
  17. Is the resolution set to 1920x1080 @ 120hz?
  18. Aime server, more accurately the daemon as it is titled. Being amdaemon.exe launched on line 4 of the default start.bat. Killed with the default start.bat on line 7.
  19. Not sure, is the data connected directly to the motherboard and the power connected to a new usb controller/power source?
  20. The main game should crash and close it's window as well as the initial window with the same errors for chusanapp.exe, however with the change made the window for the Aime server should now remain present as well. Please provide that output.
  21. Please provide the output of the other cmd window. The one you provided is the output for ChusanApp.exe. This error pertains to the Aime server in amdaemon.exe, which is output to a new window on spawn. If the window is closing on crash remove the taskkill in the start.bat. Copy provided below for convenience and accuracy of testing. start.bat
  22. As far as I can tell all the ICF does is set the version of the game so on the main menu and in the ROM. Songs are all from option files. Aqua does need to be updated with the version numbers as detailed in it's which will enable Class Certification but that's not required to play songs.
  23. Oh yeah that is just broken link huh, fixed it now. Direct link here
  24. Worth a shot, can always change the VHD drive letter to C and try that too.
  25. It's possible it's looking for C as it's drive no matter what. Have you tested with a storage medium or VHD set to C as the drive letter?
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