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    SINGE 2

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  1. "Je tiens à préciser que je suis faussement accusé sur la base de suspicions sans preuves concrètes. Le message partagé sur le forum est une erreur, et je n'ai pas participé à la fuite du jeu. Je demande des excuses pour cette fausse accusation publique et je demande également le retrait de ces allégations diffamatoires. Merci." "I want to clarify that I am falsely accused based on suspicions without concrete evidence. The message shared on the forum is a mistake, and I did not participate in leaking the game. I request an apology for this false public accusation and also request the removal of these defamatory allegations. Thank you."
  2. Je confirme le plagiat
  3. Singe 2 can run game h264 mp4 Dragon's lair can you do vidéo 1920x1080 mp4 ?
  4. nouveau jeu avec nouveau MazescaterFramework et de nombreux mouvements inedit
  5. new game for hypseus windows OP_TIGERPOOL unzip and clic on OP_TIGERPOOL.BAT to play
  6. Update game cracké to hd full mise a jour du jeu Cracke en hd
  7. Hello here it is translation french by Hyze Of lua singe engine how to do fmv game Thank Karis and Hyze for translate
  8. Hello all here my new game Name Cracké 1100 moves Difficult very hard 30 levels
  9. Mon fichier est compatible 8bitdo joystick
  10. ok my work MazescaterFramework for singe demo video
  11. please i need help i isolated the UP command in the Karisframework in the file KarisFramework/Script/main.singe I have already isolated part of the code the overlay displays the animation I have the text message in case of failed movements but I don't have the part with the sound for the movement succeeds and the part with the sound for the miss movement I can't isolate it Karis is missing again I can't ask for his help, can someone help me please here is the isolate part of the code ------------ part 1 elseif (move[currentMove][correctMove] == UP) then fontPrint(getMiddle("UP"), OVLH/2, "UP") --------------- part 2 else fontSelect(fontBig) if (move[currentMove][correctMove] == UP) then fontPrint(getMiddle("YOU SHOULD HAVE GONE UP"), OVLH/2, "YOU SHOULD HAVE GONE UP") ----------------- part 3 elseif thisMove == UP then goTimer(0.1) if heartbeat then if posyUARROW > endyUARROW then posyUARROW = posyUARROW-LINEH end spriteDraw(posxUDARROWS,posyUARROW,sprArrow[UP]) end ------------------ part 4 sprArrow[UP] = spriteLoad(MYDIR..MIDIRES.."arrowup.png") (modifié) please i need help i isolated the UP command in the Karisframework in the file KarisFramework/Script/main.singe I have already isolated part of the code the overlay displays the animation I have the text message in case of failed movements but I don't have the part with the sound for the movement succeeds and the part with the sound for the miss movement I can't isolate it Karis is missing again I can't ask for his help, can someone help me please here is the isolate part of the code ------------ part 1 elseif (move[currentMove][correctMove] == UP) then fontPrint(getMiddle("UP"), OVLH/2, "UP") --------------- part 2 else fontSelect(fontBig) if (move[currentMove][correctMove] == UP) then fontPrint(getMiddle("YOU SHOULD HAVE GONE UP"), OVLH/2, "YOU SHOULD HAVE GONE UP") ----------------- part 3 elseif thisMove == UP then goTimer(0.1) if heartbeat then if posyUARROW > endyUARROW then posyUARROW = posyUARROW-LINEH end spriteDraw(posxUDARROWS,posyUARROW,sprArrow[UP]) end ------------------ part 4 sprArrow[UPBAD] = spriteLoad(MYDIR..MIDIRES.."arrowup.png") (modifié) main.singe UP.txt
  12. please i need help i isolated the UP command in the Karisframework in the file KarisFramework/Script/main.singe I have already isolated part of the code the overlay displays the animation I have the text message in case of failed movements but I don't have the part with the sound for the movement succeeds and the part with the sound for the miss movement I can't isolate it Karis is missing again I can't ask for his help, can someone help me please here is the isolate part of the code ------------ part 1 elseif (move[currentMove][correctMove] == UP) then fontPrint(getMiddle("UP"), OVLH/2, "UP") --------------- part 2 else fontSelect(fontBig) if (move[currentMove][correctMove] == UP) then fontPrint(getMiddle("YOU SHOULD HAVE GONE UP"), OVLH/2, "YOU SHOULD HAVE GONE UP") ----------------- part 3 elseif thisMove == UP then goTimer(0.1) if heartbeat then if posyUARROW > endyUARROW then posyUARROW = posyUARROW-LINEH end spriteDraw(posxUDARROWS,posyUARROW,sprArrow[UP]) end ------------------ part 4 sprArrow[UPBAD] = spriteLoad(MYDIR..MIDIRES.."arrowup.png") (modifié)
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