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  1. Yep thanks a lot! That has solved the issue :D! I'm not going to even try and change the card name again lol, i'll just leave it this time
  2. Hello! I was wondering in anyone could help me out here, I gave Exchain up and running and the game works fine except i cannot get E-AMUSE to work, I know i have the right screen when i start up the game as it has the e-amuse info in the middle of the screen and the Paselli icon down the bottom left, however i can seem to insert card, like the insert card key doesn't work nor does going to card management and the card from there, I did all the installation steps based on ''BOBTHEBUILDERS'' instructions but i just cant seem to get the e-amuse card to prompt
  3. Can anyone please help me out here? So I'm trying to install Drummania V4, I've done basically all the steps, the game loads, main menu and everything, I can choose songs and change settings in the game, however the notes will not scroll and there is no sound, like the screen/game hasn't frozen as I can still see the healthbar on the left side moving around but for whatever reason the notes just don't move and I have no sound, the last step I did which got the game to actually boot and work was installing Pure Codec and changing the MPEG2 to Libavcodec. 1. No sound 2. Notes won't scroll and are just stuck in place though game isn't frozen just notes won't scroll/move
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